Madhubala Episode 426 Update on Monday 7th January 2018 
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Part 1
Reporter says this year is worse for RK …his encounter with underworld.. prison ..ban by industry heroine and then a big incident and paralytic attack! Reporter shows how RK could not shoot a single scene and fell down face forward! Reporter asks if its last scene of RKs life? Madhu watches! She comes and says juice and meds for u! RK hesitates but Madhu insists! Madhu says have kept ur clothes ready! RK says not going to Swiss! Madhu says Mehul is coming! RK says we have weird bond. am moon and he is suhagan.. without seeing my face he cannot eat! Madhu says Mehul is bringing changed script! RK taken aback! Madhu says Mehuls idea is best ..we dun have any other option! She says lets make it heroine oriented.. lets complete the film with emotions and drama! Am ready to do it..! Am doing this for u..! RK asks what do u mean? Madhu repeats..! Madhu says let this movie be complete.. a lot of ours is at stake. not just money but reputation too! Madhu says thot all this thru . .am ready to take the burden on my head! RK asks to repeat..! Madhu stops! RK bursts out laufing n says.. u gonna carry the entire films burden on ur head? He says u are funny! Madhu chides him saying she is serious! RK laufs.. then holds her hand n kisses it..! He says this is for worlds best wife n another kiss for worlds best person n a kiss on the forehead for my best friend.. and my support! RK says i understand ur feeling n know u can do all for me. but things are different here.. u cannot do anything for me here! RK says..u cannot take RKs place! Madhu says not taking ur place! RK says i know that.. he says.. RKs fans come to see RKs film . only RKs..! RK says when RK is onscreen.. they dun see his heroine..! He says no doubt ur a great actress.. but here thing is about RK ..! People come to see RKs film for RK expect she will make RKs film hit is a burden! Mehul comes n says disagree!

RK says i know u wont agree.. coz u wont go against ur decision but as for script we concluded the discussion..! Why are we discussing again? Do u think Madhu can carry the films burden on her shoulders? She says yes..coz she loves me but Madhu doesnt understand this world! Mehul asks RK to tell him what to do then? Mehul says its impossible for u to shoot in this condition..! Bittu agrees! RK says agree.. Madhu is the central character of this movie. .so dun put all burden on her..! Madhu will act . .but u have to make a good film and make it a hit..! Mehul says point noted! Madhu is all quiet! RK asks why quiet? RK wishes Madhu all the best..and asks to make the record .. that in RKs film u will be on screen more.. and be the focus..! Mehul says its a good oppurtunity ur hubby ..aisa bhi ho sakta hai..!

Pabho is pacing in the hall ..! Dips comes with a glass of milk for her and offers her..! Pabho asks why no taunts? Dips looks at her hurt arm and says sorry ..! Pabho says good..! They overhears footsteps and walk aside..! They overhear Mehul Madhu talk! Madhu asks Mehul if he is sure.. this decision is right? Mehul says told u before.. told u that u have married a man .. who cannot see his shadow overshadow him .he is self centered and ego centric..! Madhu fumes! Mehul says kidding.. he is a superstar.. he only thinks that theater screen is meant for him ..he thinks film is for hero to carry and heroine only to dance! Mehul says i work behind camera. .for me the script is hero. .n that will ensure success! Mehul says ur character is strong.. n u can carry it off! Bittu reassures her too! Mehul says.. i saw a superstar in u .. the moment u walked into studio to meet RK .. my eyes know talent.. our movie is stronger now with changes..! When this movie releases.. u will be super.. n stops n says.. now rest.. n reach set with fresh energy and drive..! Dun be late! They head off! Madhu rushes back to her room! Dips is shocked..and says Chawlbala is making big plans.. she has taken over RKs film ..n in a way that script is being changed..! Pabho says news .. no matter how it is.. should be used in favour..! Pabho asks if Dips has good media contact? Dips asks so? Pabho smiles!

RK is drinking and recollects Madhus words.. his challenge to Madhu ..!
Part 2
Dips asks RK ..what will happen to his movie? RK taunts..guess loneliness was biting..! Anyways.. want a drink .. FLOP HEROINE? Dips say shut up! RK says this is called role-play.. u do it everyday so for a change.. offering u drinks! RK asks wants drinks.. on the rocks? Dips says instead of thinking of me.. think of urself.. ur movie doesnt have a hero.. so what do u plan? Take another hero opposite Madhu ..or??? Dips says.. as such no other alternative..! As such outing u.. putting someone else.. would mean that someone else has taken ur place .. but RK cannot tolerate it! Dips taunts that.. Suna hai sharab ghum bhulane ke sabse aachi dawa hai? So guess u need the drink more! RK says done? Leave! Dips walks off!

Part 3
Pabho asks Dips if she gave the byte properly ..she says yes! Pabho takes the paper and reads it n smiles ..and so does Dips..! Heading ‘Madhubala ne li RK ki jaga’! Madhu comes in the hall ..! Pabho calls her aside and asks if she came to thank God for giving her the chance to do all that she got to do? Dips says..some people do better acting in real life! Madhu asks what do u mean? Pabho shows her the newspaper and asks what is all this? Madhu sees the news and is shocked! Dips says.. u must have done it..since we dinno all this! Pabho accuses Madhu for making fun of RK .. n taking his place..! Pabho asks what will RK feel when he reads this? RK comes n Madhu hides the paper! RK asks what news?? RK asks Madhu to show what she is hiding! Madhu resists.. n RK says dun trouble me.. SHOW..! RK reads and throws the paper away.. n says done..! Such news deserve such things..! RK says kisi akbar ki do line mere stardom ki deware nahi tod sakti..! M RK .. no one can take ur place! Papers can make u a star n break u overnite..! RK asks Madhu why is she troubled? He says.. this is a start.. get ready..they will scrutinize her every move..she will have to pay a big price for being RKs wife..! RK says.. if u pay attention to all this.. how will u work? RK asks her not to focus on such things rather focus only on work..! RK says.. there is no pressure on her. .she has to just focus on work..! RK says am hungry…serve breakfast..! Madhu says come..! Pabho and Dips are stumped..! Dips laufs out..! Pabho asks why laufing? Dips says yep! Pabho says..seems u lost ur nuts..coz RK was standing next to Madhu! Dips says.. she din notice what Dips did.. RKs words mean nothing. .RK is a person. .who cannot share his name.. nor fame.. ! Pabho asks what do u mean? Dips says..those are not RKs words.. what he did.. say was to keep himself on top despite supporting Madhu.. he is insecure.. ! Dips says this thot of his will be our weapon..!

Precap — Dips says.. only purpose for Madhu to be in ur life.. is to become an actress .. all this is being written by destiny ..! Dips says.. RK getting overshadowed in his own film ..its all happening. coz it was meant to happen! Dips says after this movies release.. Madhu ugta hua suraj hogi ..aur tum dubta hua sitara..!!
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