Ashoka Samrat Episode 129--130 Update on Monday 7th January 2019 
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Scene 1
Ashok comes to the old lady, she says you have come here to kill me. You have sword too. Ashok says maai i have but.. She says you call me maai but want to kill me. Ashok says what are you saying? i am ashok. I took you to meet your daughter. Kalu sent you the cart. She says kaly will rot in hell. She caresses his face. Ashok gives her the stone and says you gave me this. she says ashok but you came to kill me. She says i have sword but i didn’t come to kill you. SHe says how can you, you are a nice soul. He asks did dharma live here? She says i have heard that name but i dont remember who she was. He says please try. She says did you eat something? Lets go and eat. Ashok sneezes, old lady says you must have walked through the bushes. Your mom would have hugged you if she was alive. Ashok says my mom is alive.
Ashok comes to the old lady, she says you have come here to kill me. You have sword too. Ashok says maai i have but.. She says you call me maai but want to kill me. Ashok says what are you saying? i am ashok. I took you to meet your daughter. Kalu sent you the cart. She says kaly will rot in hell. She caresses his face. Ashok gives her the stone and says you gave me this. she says ashok but you came to kill me. She says i have sword but i didn’t come to kill you. SHe says how can you, you are a nice soul. He asks did dharma live here? She says i have heard that name but i dont remember who she was. He says please try. She says did you eat something? Lets go and eat. Ashok sneezes, old lady says you must have walked through the bushes. Your mom would have hugged you if she was alive. Ashok says my mom is alive.
Dharma recalls what chanakya said. She overhears Bindu saying tp charu what are you saying? that sushim used to loved ahenkara but she is betraying to him now. Charu says when there will be marriage love will be there. Sushim is emotional and gets mad but he calms. He will forgive ahenkara. He says we will have to see if she will accept him or not. Charu says have you forgotten your first love? how can they then? Halena says i know what you are going through. Helena says to Bindu that if Ujjain’s daughter becomes our daughter in law then they will become in laws rather than enemies, Charu says what about the threat on us now. This is the clear solution. Dharma comes in.
The old lady touches the idol and says its the same, dharma, she was so beautiful. She was married to king. He says yes samrat and he has been looking for her. she says no save her dont let him find her. She starts screaming. She says there is fire in her camp. Ashok says i will save her but for that i should know who wants to kill her.
Dharma says there is pooja tomorrow. Charu says samrat is busy right now go from here. Charu says samrat think about it once. Sushim can do anything, i am sure after marriage everything will be normal. helena says trust your mom. He says i trust you but not niharika. I will take this decision after talking to Chanyka. he leaves, Charu and Helena are disappointed.
Radha says to Chanakya that Khurasan’s men are finding Dharma and Dharma is not ready to go from here, what will we do now? Chanakya gives example of a traveler who came in dessert but he found it water lake there, he was running behind it but when he reaches the point, there was nothing there, he came to know that the lake he was running behind was not actually there but his imagination, he lost his way and couldnt realize his way back to home, we have to make Khurasan lose his way, he will see Dharma, he shows Dharma’s ring gifted by Bindu, he says this ring will take Dharma out from here, soldier comes and says Angraj has died, we cannot locate Ashok, Chanakya says his safety is first, find him, he thinks everything is getting blurred, he finds lion there and says for good future, past should come in open with proofs.
Ashok says to blind lady that i am warrior, i wont let anything happen to dharma, tell me about her, lady says years back soldiers came to Dharma’s house when she was pregnant, she ran inside her home to be safe, they put her house on fire and thought she is dead but she was alive and gave birth to her son in middle of fire, Ashok says where is that son now? Where is their son? She says that.. ashok says tell me, she falls on him. Ashok says mai get up but she doesn’t.Ashok hears me coming and runs from there. The men come in, one says someone was here but he has ran. Theyu leave, ashok comes out and checks the old lady. He says how? This is not possible. I cant find answers. Whever i try to figure truth something happens. He looks at the golden coin. Ashok picks up and says same people, what has my mom to do with dharma?
Dharma says there is pooja tomorrow. Charu says samrat is busy right now go from here. Charu says samrat think about it once. Sushim can do anything, i am sure after marriage everything will be normal. helena says trust your mom. He says i trust you but not niharika. I will take this decision after talking to Chanyka. he leaves, Charu and Helena are disappointed.
Radha says to Chanakya that Khurasan’s men are finding Dharma and Dharma is not ready to go from here, what will we do now? Chanakya gives example of a traveler who came in dessert but he found it water lake there, he was running behind it but when he reaches the point, there was nothing there, he came to know that the lake he was running behind was not actually there but his imagination, he lost his way and couldnt realize his way back to home, we have to make Khurasan lose his way, he will see Dharma, he shows Dharma’s ring gifted by Bindu, he says this ring will take Dharma out from here, soldier comes and says Angraj has died, we cannot locate Ashok, Chanakya says his safety is first, find him, he thinks everything is getting blurred, he finds lion there and says for good future, past should come in open with proofs.
Ashok says to blind lady that i am warrior, i wont let anything happen to dharma, tell me about her, lady says years back soldiers came to Dharma’s house when she was pregnant, she ran inside her home to be safe, they put her house on fire and thought she is dead but she was alive and gave birth to her son in middle of fire, Ashok says where is that son now? Where is their son? She says that.. ashok says tell me, she falls on him. Ashok says mai get up but she doesn’t.Ashok hears me coming and runs from there. The men come in, one says someone was here but he has ran. Theyu leave, ashok comes out and checks the old lady. He says how? This is not possible. I cant find answers. Whever i try to figure truth something happens. He looks at the golden coin. Ashok picks up and says same people, what has my mom to do with dharma?
next morning, the pooja starts. Subhrasi asks pandit ji anythin more? He says no. Dharma goes out and bindu comes in. Pandit welcomes him. Khurasan says to Helena that today all dasies are present here, if Dharma is one of them then she will be caught, if you love someone then you cant see him in pain, today Bindu will get hurt and Dharma will scream, Nicator says we can get caught if you try to hit Bindu, and the lady who didnt come out in open till now, she will not come now too, Helena says we can try, if he4r love kept her away from Bindu then her love can bring her open too, Noor says i would love to see Bindu in pain but how will you do it? Khurasan says i have added toxic chemical in havan kund so when Bindu will lit fire and put oil in it, it will intensify and hurt him only, if any dasi screams for him then i will be sure that she is Dharma, i have appointed my soldiers here too in common clothes.
PRECAP- Bindu puts oil in havan kund and fire intensify and Bindu’s hand get burnt, Dharma who is standing behind shouts Samrat, Khurasan sees her and is stunned. Old man says to Ashok that see Varshawali, he has record of every family and their ancestors. Ashok comes to meet him..
Scene 1
Ashok is finding about Dharma in Champanagri, Ashok is confused what to do, he comes to Mandir and says to lord that i am doing this for love of someone, to keep faith in love for someone, i am doing this for justice, help me, priest comes and offers him parsad, Ashok says i am finding about Dharma, she married king, priest says if any girl from village marry a king then it is known for years and people gloat about it, if anything like this happened then i would have known, but i have not listened anything like this happened in this village.
Dharma says to chanakya that i cant do this, this is cheating, what if he catches me? Chanakya says he can catch you anyway and that will be much more dangerous and painful for Bindu, Dharma says if i knew that it will become danger for my son and husband then i wouldnt have come here ever, i am tired of all this, what if i get caught doing cheating? i will stoop low in Bindu’s eyes, my respect is everything in Bindu’s eyes, what if Ashok know all this, Chanakya says you think i dont care about Ashok? he heir for me, till there are no proofs against you, nothing can happen to you, 6the court which accepted mothers like Helena who killed her own son, they made her devi, what is value of your truth in that type of court? Bindu trust you but your truth cant deny allegations which enemies have put on you, if you dont cooperate with me then i wont be able to help you and Ashok, think about him, he is finding truth and he will find it and then he will need his mother to tell him why she did all that and if you are not with him then he will be broken, i cant see him breaking, this is only way through which you and me can get what we want.
Ashok is finding about Dharma in Champanagri, Ashok is confused what to do, he comes to Mandir and says to lord that i am doing this for love of someone, to keep faith in love for someone, i am doing this for justice, help me, priest comes and offers him parsad, Ashok says i am finding about Dharma, she married king, priest says if any girl from village marry a king then it is known for years and people gloat about it, if anything like this happened then i would have known, but i have not listened anything like this happened in this village.
Dharma says to chanakya that i cant do this, this is cheating, what if he catches me? Chanakya says he can catch you anyway and that will be much more dangerous and painful for Bindu, Dharma says if i knew that it will become danger for my son and husband then i wouldnt have come here ever, i am tired of all this, what if i get caught doing cheating? i will stoop low in Bindu’s eyes, my respect is everything in Bindu’s eyes, what if Ashok know all this, Chanakya says you think i dont care about Ashok? he heir for me, till there are no proofs against you, nothing can happen to you, 6the court which accepted mothers like Helena who killed her own son, they made her devi, what is value of your truth in that type of court? Bindu trust you but your truth cant deny allegations which enemies have put on you, if you dont cooperate with me then i wont be able to help you and Ashok, think about him, he is finding truth and he will find it and then he will need his mother to tell him why she did all that and if you are not with him then he will be broken, i cant see him breaking, this is only way through which you and me can get what we want.
Scene 2
Ashok comes to one man and shows Dharma’s statue but man doesnt know about her, a old man says to Ashok that talk to Varshawali, he can help you, he has record of all families and their ancestors, he has every detail, he lives near border of this village but he will not speak easily, Ashok says if he has answers for my questions then i will take it at any cost, thanks and leaves, soldier comes to old man and ask about Ashok, he shows him way, soldier goes behind Ashok.
In palace, Havan starts, Dharma comes and stand behind Bindu. Charu says to Helena that Bindu will not accept Ahenkara and Sushim’s relation, Helena says he has asked to give time, we will use this time, Charu says we can lose as Noor is clever and can bring Siamak in picture, Helena says dont worry, sushim will marry Ahenkara only, Charu leaves, Noor comes and says we fooled this Charu but how will we pacify Bindu? Helena says if dharma comes in open today then his weakness will be in our hands then it wont be difficult to take yes from him.
Priest says to Bindu that by this havan, all sins are washed off, Bindu thinks i have done sin of hurting the one whom i love the most, dont know if she will forgive me or not, Dharma thinks what i am going to today wll either bring truth out or will take Bindu away from truth, Pooja starts.
Ashok comes to one man and shows Dharma’s statue but man doesnt know about her, a old man says to Ashok that talk to Varshawali, he can help you, he has record of all families and their ancestors, he has every detail, he lives near border of this village but he will not speak easily, Ashok says if he has answers for my questions then i will take it at any cost, thanks and leaves, soldier comes to old man and ask about Ashok, he shows him way, soldier goes behind Ashok.
In palace, Havan starts, Dharma comes and stand behind Bindu. Charu says to Helena that Bindu will not accept Ahenkara and Sushim’s relation, Helena says he has asked to give time, we will use this time, Charu says we can lose as Noor is clever and can bring Siamak in picture, Helena says dont worry, sushim will marry Ahenkara only, Charu leaves, Noor comes and says we fooled this Charu but how will we pacify Bindu? Helena says if dharma comes in open today then his weakness will be in our hands then it wont be difficult to take yes from him.
Priest says to Bindu that by this havan, all sins are washed off, Bindu thinks i have done sin of hurting the one whom i love the most, dont know if she will forgive me or not, Dharma thinks what i am going to today wll either bring truth out or will take Bindu away from truth, Pooja starts.
Scene 3
Ashok comes to Varshawali, Varsha says if you came alone then it would be nice, Asok says i am alone, he laughs and says this is just thinking, you have to answer my 3 questions then i will answer you, Ashok says ask, Varha tell him riddle that the thing which can tell truth or false, or can hurt anyone and ask him to tell what it is? if you answer is wrong then you will have to leave, Ashok says answer is words, varsha says right, he ask 2nd riddle i am in society but no one can see me, i am powerful, what it is? Ashok says future, Varsha says last riddle all are afraid of him, he can finish anyone, he is nice but not nice too, tell me who is it?
Bindu is doing pooja, Radha sees Helena and thinks that i dont think they are upto something today else her attention would be more in pooja, Bindu puts oil in havan kund and fire intensify and Bindu’s hand get burnt, Dharma who is standing behind shouts Samrat, Khurasan sees her and is stunned, it becomes all smock, Khurasan is trying to see Dharma, Radha takes her from there, Dharma runs, Khurasan runs behind her, Dharma hides behind pillar, Khurasan sees her dupatta behind pillar.
Ashok answers varsha’s riddle that its time, he says now you have to answer me, Varsha says how you know your answer was correct? Ashok says you said you will ask only three questions, now answer me, do you know about Dharma? she used to live here, can you tell about her, Varsha search in his documents about her.
Khurasan is coming to attack Dharma, Dharma’s dupatta blows in air, she tries to catch it but Khurasan comes there, both look at each other in shock.
Ashok comes to Varshawali, Varsha says if you came alone then it would be nice, Asok says i am alone, he laughs and says this is just thinking, you have to answer my 3 questions then i will answer you, Ashok says ask, Varha tell him riddle that the thing which can tell truth or false, or can hurt anyone and ask him to tell what it is? if you answer is wrong then you will have to leave, Ashok says answer is words, varsha says right, he ask 2nd riddle i am in society but no one can see me, i am powerful, what it is? Ashok says future, Varsha says last riddle all are afraid of him, he can finish anyone, he is nice but not nice too, tell me who is it?
Bindu is doing pooja, Radha sees Helena and thinks that i dont think they are upto something today else her attention would be more in pooja, Bindu puts oil in havan kund and fire intensify and Bindu’s hand get burnt, Dharma who is standing behind shouts Samrat, Khurasan sees her and is stunned, it becomes all smock, Khurasan is trying to see Dharma, Radha takes her from there, Dharma runs, Khurasan runs behind her, Dharma hides behind pillar, Khurasan sees her dupatta behind pillar.
Ashok answers varsha’s riddle that its time, he says now you have to answer me, Varsha says how you know your answer was correct? Ashok says you said you will ask only three questions, now answer me, do you know about Dharma? she used to live here, can you tell about her, Varsha search in his documents about her.
Khurasan is coming to attack Dharma, Dharma’s dupatta blows in air, she tries to catch it but Khurasan comes there, both look at each other in shock.
PRECAP- Varsha says to Ashok that Bindu came here and married a lady but her name was not Dharma, Ashok ask then what was it? he says Subhadrangi, Ashok is shocked and moves back.
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