Gangaa Episode 449--450 Update on Wednesday 19th December 2018 
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Scene 1:
Location: Ammmaji’s residence and hospital
ammaji assures niru that ganga was right and that he shouldnt blame himself. asking him to rest, they both leave ordering him not to bother himself unnecessarily thinking about wrong stuff. Madhavi is extremely tensed that nothing should happen to him, while ammaji says that nothing shall. she says that she cant stay without him. ammaji consoles her.
Location: Ammmaji’s residence and hospital
ammaji assures niru that ganga was right and that he shouldnt blame himself. asking him to rest, they both leave ordering him not to bother himself unnecessarily thinking about wrong stuff. Madhavi is extremely tensed that nothing should happen to him, while ammaji says that nothing shall. she says that she cant stay without him. ammaji consoles her.
Scene 2:
Location: Hospital
Ganga waits impatient, for the doctor who finally arrives. when he comes, she anxiously asks him whats the matter, asking if niru is okay and nothing happened to him. he says that he wished to talk to her, before talking to the rest of the family. she is incredibly tensed. the doctor hands ganga the reports. he shows them to ganga and says
that niru has blood cancer. ganga is aghast to hear this, and then eyes the reports in utter disbelief. she is aghast and refuses to believe and asks him to check yet again, as niru cant be suffering from this. he asks her to relax, as the results wont change as this is the truth. she collapses in the chair, and the doctor asks her to be calm as she has to take care of his family. he says that he also has something else to say. she is apalled as the doctor says that he has very less time, at the most six months. ganga gets distraught. he says that he shouldnt say, but still they should try and keep him as happy as possible, and not give him any stress, shock or tension. he says that he knows niru for years, and he would keep brooding over it, and hence its best that he doesnt know about it, and best is its for her to decide when he should get the news, if he should. he talks about his daily diet and medical prescriptions, and asks her to go over it, and talk to him in case of doubts. ganga takes it all and then walks out in a daze. the doctor is tensed too. As she steps out of the room, ganga is still unable to believe, and walks groggily, but then composes herself and starts walking yet again. she remembers her initial meetings with niru and their entire journey so far.
Location: Hospital
Ganga waits impatient, for the doctor who finally arrives. when he comes, she anxiously asks him whats the matter, asking if niru is okay and nothing happened to him. he says that he wished to talk to her, before talking to the rest of the family. she is incredibly tensed. the doctor hands ganga the reports. he shows them to ganga and says
that niru has blood cancer. ganga is aghast to hear this, and then eyes the reports in utter disbelief. she is aghast and refuses to believe and asks him to check yet again, as niru cant be suffering from this. he asks her to relax, as the results wont change as this is the truth. she collapses in the chair, and the doctor asks her to be calm as she has to take care of his family. he says that he also has something else to say. she is apalled as the doctor says that he has very less time, at the most six months. ganga gets distraught. he says that he shouldnt say, but still they should try and keep him as happy as possible, and not give him any stress, shock or tension. he says that he knows niru for years, and he would keep brooding over it, and hence its best that he doesnt know about it, and best is its for her to decide when he should get the news, if he should. he talks about his daily diet and medical prescriptions, and asks her to go over it, and talk to him in case of doubts. ganga takes it all and then walks out in a daze. the doctor is tensed too. As she steps out of the room, ganga is still unable to believe, and walks groggily, but then composes herself and starts walking yet again. she remembers her initial meetings with niru and their entire journey so far.
Scene 3:
Location: On the road and ammaji’s residence
Ganga listlessly walks on the road, and then sits by the side. she wonders why is this happening, and if she has such ill fate that after her father, she too would be bereft of him. she says that he taught her to fight and brave all odds, as she remembers her instances with niru, who identified this survival instinct in her. she thinks that she doesnt have the strength to bear this pain, and if she cant manage herself, then how shall she break it to him. she wonders what to do, as death has no control, but she isnt ready to lose him just yet. she cries inconsolably. ganga gets a call, and she thinks that she cant tell madhavi at all about this. she cancels the call, but madhavi gets increasingly tensed and continues to call. finally ganga picks up. Madhavi asks ganga, on the phone, as to where is she, and why did she go to the doctor, and not wait for her. she then asks about the reports too. she asks why she went alone, and then asks about the reports. ganga fights back her tears, and lies that everything is normal. Madhavi says thats okay but if she asked the doctor why did he faint then. ganga is speechless, but then distracts her and says that there is nothing to worry about, and she shall come home and detail, as the network is bad here and her battery is low too. madhavi complies and asks her to come fast. ganga cancels the call, wondering how shall she tell them all.
Location: On the road and ammaji’s residence
Ganga listlessly walks on the road, and then sits by the side. she wonders why is this happening, and if she has such ill fate that after her father, she too would be bereft of him. she says that he taught her to fight and brave all odds, as she remembers her instances with niru, who identified this survival instinct in her. she thinks that she doesnt have the strength to bear this pain, and if she cant manage herself, then how shall she break it to him. she wonders what to do, as death has no control, but she isnt ready to lose him just yet. she cries inconsolably. ganga gets a call, and she thinks that she cant tell madhavi at all about this. she cancels the call, but madhavi gets increasingly tensed and continues to call. finally ganga picks up. Madhavi asks ganga, on the phone, as to where is she, and why did she go to the doctor, and not wait for her. she then asks about the reports too. she asks why she went alone, and then asks about the reports. ganga fights back her tears, and lies that everything is normal. Madhavi says thats okay but if she asked the doctor why did he faint then. ganga is speechless, but then distracts her and says that there is nothing to worry about, and she shall come home and detail, as the network is bad here and her battery is low too. madhavi complies and asks her to come fast. ganga cancels the call, wondering how shall she tell them all.
Scene 4:
Location: Temple
Ganga comes to the temple, and complains about how she has always stayed beside her, and understood whatever fate she landed her, then why this today. the priest comes and asks her not to think like that, as god always has a motive behind doing what he does. she however retorts back saying that she never listens to the devotees, and how she always torments those who pray for her day and night. she vents out her entire frustration at the idol, and wonders how shall she tell them all about this.
Location: Temple
Ganga comes to the temple, and complains about how she has always stayed beside her, and understood whatever fate she landed her, then why this today. the priest comes and asks her not to think like that, as god always has a motive behind doing what he does. she however retorts back saying that she never listens to the devotees, and how she always torments those who pray for her day and night. she vents out her entire frustration at the idol, and wonders how shall she tell them all about this.
Scene 5:
Location: Ammaji’s residence
Ammaji attends to niru, while they talk about how for a parent, children are the utmost priority. krishna comes and asks if he is okay. he banters amusedly. she says that ganga was very tensed, and niru says thats because she loves him. krishna says that she always listens to him, and asks her to agree to stay with sagar. he says that he shall not want her to forcibly say something or do something, that she wont like, but comply out of respect. krishna says that ganga loves sagar a lot they get tensed. juhi comes and asks if she can have an apple. he complies and offers to krishna too. but she walks out denying. he asks ammaji what to say and how to explain it to krishna. she asks him not to bother, as all shall be okay soon.
Location: Ammaji’s residence
Ammaji attends to niru, while they talk about how for a parent, children are the utmost priority. krishna comes and asks if he is okay. he banters amusedly. she says that ganga was very tensed, and niru says thats because she loves him. krishna says that she always listens to him, and asks her to agree to stay with sagar. he says that he shall not want her to forcibly say something or do something, that she wont like, but comply out of respect. krishna says that ganga loves sagar a lot they get tensed. juhi comes and asks if she can have an apple. he complies and offers to krishna too. but she walks out denying. he asks ammaji what to say and how to explain it to krishna. she asks him not to bother, as all shall be okay soon.
Ammaji gets the list ready for a puja, warning madhavi that this fast is very rigorous, but madhavi is sure that she shall do it. they are about to go shopping, when they wonder why hasnt ganga come back yet. As she arrives back home, ganga is crowded by madhavi and ammaji, who impatiently ask her what did the reports and the doctor say. Madhavi asks ganga how is he, and she tells them all that she had told that everything is okay. ammaji believes, but she sees ganga’s tenzsion behind the pretentious smile. madhavi demands to see the reports. ganga is shocked, but lies that its with the doctor, who shall give them all together, ammaji starts rejoicing, while madhavi is still tensed. she rushes to the market nevertheless, telling ganga about the fast, that grives ganga all the more, as she remembers what the doctor said. the screen freezes on her face.
Precap: Sagar talks on video chatting, asking niru about his health. niru says that nothing happend. sagar says that madhavi didnt say anything, but he wishes to know everything. niru gets down the bed. he starts walking and jumping, also just to prove that he is absolutely fine, and they are exaggerating it unnecessarily and that he is hale and hearty. he adds that he has to live many more years. ganga comes and finds him like this, and is reminded of the limited time that he has. she is apalled…
Scene 1:
Location: Ammmaji’s residence
Krishna makes niru see the analogy as to how ganga feels for her, then he must be feeling for sagar too. he then asks her to make him speak to sagar. krishna complies. Sagar talks on video chatting, asking niru about his health. niru says that nothing happend. sagar says that madhavi didnt say anything, but he wishes to know everything. niru gets down the bed. he starts walking and jumping, also just to prove that he is absolutely fine, and they are exaggerating it unnecessarily and that he is hale and hearty. he adds that he has to live many more years. ganga comes and finds him like this, and is reminded of the limited time that he has. she is apalled. he starts talking about how he feels burdenede that his sons are completely unsettled in life.
she hears this distraught. sagar gets emotional hearing this. ganga begins to go, when niru and krishna ask her about the reports. ganga wonders what to say, while sagar waits. she wonders how to shatter his dreams and hopes, and that he wouldnt be able to bear this, and die like this. they nudge her to talk up, but she doesnt have the guts. as he talks about dying, sagar and ganga get upset. she says that its all normal and asks him not to overstress. then they talk back to sagar who asks him to take care, while ganga leaves from there. he is extremely upset but is relieved that ganga is there to take care.
Location: Ammmaji’s residence
Krishna makes niru see the analogy as to how ganga feels for her, then he must be feeling for sagar too. he then asks her to make him speak to sagar. krishna complies. Sagar talks on video chatting, asking niru about his health. niru says that nothing happend. sagar says that madhavi didnt say anything, but he wishes to know everything. niru gets down the bed. he starts walking and jumping, also just to prove that he is absolutely fine, and they are exaggerating it unnecessarily and that he is hale and hearty. he adds that he has to live many more years. ganga comes and finds him like this, and is reminded of the limited time that he has. she is apalled. he starts talking about how he feels burdenede that his sons are completely unsettled in life.
she hears this distraught. sagar gets emotional hearing this. ganga begins to go, when niru and krishna ask her about the reports. ganga wonders what to say, while sagar waits. she wonders how to shatter his dreams and hopes, and that he wouldnt be able to bear this, and die like this. they nudge her to talk up, but she doesnt have the guts. as he talks about dying, sagar and ganga get upset. she says that its all normal and asks him not to overstress. then they talk back to sagar who asks him to take care, while ganga leaves from there. he is extremely upset but is relieved that ganga is there to take care.
In her room, ganga is apalled as to what is happening and why, and how is he leaving them like this. she is apalled to find that she would be bereft of niru very soon. while she is inconsolably crying, she hears screams of the children playing with niru. she finds him, coming out, playing with them, and then panting for breath. she gets concerned, and then slams the children for being so careless. madhavi comes and finds her like this, and asks her to calm down. krishna sulks. niru and madhavi calm her down. he goes in to rest. madhavi is tensed and then asks ganga whats the matter as she has never screamed at children, then why today, as she claims that he is okay, then why bother so much. she asks if there is anything that she is hiding. ganga lies and denies. after MAdhavi agrees to her statements, adding that she kows she doesnt lie and leaves, ganga is apalled, at the way she is deceiving everyone.
In the corridor, ganga walks lost, when niru confronts her, and asks whats wrong with him, as she is behaving weird. she gets baffled, and denies. he asks her to clearly speak up, whats bothering her. she makes an excuse and says that he hasnt eaten yet still, and she cant see him like this. he claims that he cant eat such plain food, and talks of snacks. she denies, but then gets affected when he emotionally blackmails her. she gets affected, and rushes to make it. he is overjoyed.
While she is making in the kitchen, ganga finds madhavi coming in, who asks who is she making it for. ganga says that its for niru. madhavi reprimands her for giving such food, when he is strictly prohibited oily food. ganga tries to say that a couple wont make any difference. madhavi lashes at her for being so irresponsible. ammaji comes, and madhavi complains to her. ammaji too lashes and asks her to stop. madhavi laments as to what she is upto, and asks her not to do so again. ganga wonders what dilemma she is placed in.
In the room, while supriya is working, pulkit tries to strike a conversation, but she goes in, and then is reminded of his affair with kashish. she is deeply hurt, but wonders if onl he is to be blamed. she starts lamenting at the scenario.
Later, ganga secretively gets them for niru, while he is asleep. she wakes him up, after remembering how he also used to do the same for her. they sit down to talk. she talks about how she got scolded, and asks him to finish it soon. he eyes her talking emotionally about his liking. she gets emotional as she eyes him savouring them. she hugs him tightly, while he talks about what happiness she brought. he urges her to start afresh with sagar and clear everything between supriya and pulkit somehow. she tries to distract him from the topic, but he says that he knows she shall fulfill it. the screen freezes on her shocked face.
Precap: Ganga tells sagar on the phone, that she doesnt have the guts to tell ammaji that niru merely has six months to live. ammaji who has been hearing this from the doorstep, is aghast as her puja thali falls. ganga gets alert and is aghast to see this.
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