Meri Aashiqui Episode 255--256 Update on Wednesday 113th March 2019 
It was raining outside, Ishaani walks on the street. RV comes behind her. He thinks about Ishaani’s promise with Shekhar to marry him. His vow to Ritika about marrying.
Ishaani thinks about all the fights of Ranveer for her and his moments with RItika. Ranveer thinks about Ishaani and Shekhar. Ishaani turns to see Ranveer standing behind her. Ranveer thinks he has seen so much in so many years, but he only feels pain seeing her in pain. Ishaani thinks she only wanted him happy, if he is happy this way by insulting her she is happy this way. Ranveer thinks he only has one relation, he has only one life and one relation which he can neither live with nor break, he gets happiness and sadness only for it.
At home, Chaitali was walking in the hall. Baa sat worried when Ritesh comes home. Chaitali asks him he is coming so late when all the drama is over, she says Shekhar’s parent sent Ishaani out of home because she robbed their jewellery. She is a criminal.
Baa thinks about the receipt from jeweller, it showed Manas name. The jeweller says Manas told him not to tell anyone about it, he is her son in law so he gave him the money. Baa wonders why he mortgaged the jewellery. Ishaani says Manas must have been in a problem. Ishaani told the jewellery to take her name if someone asks him, she will find Manas’s truth.
Chaitali was accusing Ishaani as a criminal. She says she fears about breaking of her Dewarsh’s marriage. Chaitali says she is such a bad omen for their family. Ritesh shouts at Chaitali to shut up. Ishaani asks Ritesh why he is shouting at Chaitali, he won’t be able to hide that he has lost all the money in gambling and that robbery was done because of him. She comes inside and says to save him, Manas took such a step. He didn’t think about him and his baby, but stole only for him.
At Parekhs’s home, Shekhar comes inside and says sorry to Ishaani. He says he knew the truth, but the drama was necessary to know the truth. He says I am sorry for disrespecting her. He says he thought she is again saving someone, and the other will also come to humiliate her. He says he put on CCTV cameras at home, he checked the footage but couldn’t see the face of that person. At that time, Manas met him outside the home and told him the truth, he couldn’t see her take the blame onto herself. Manas comes inside and says sorry, he says tells Ishaani Ritesh was going to get kidnapped.
Amba and Lakshmi were selecting jewellery designs, RV comes home. Ritika asks if he is fine. RV cheers and says what will happen to him, he says I am sorry I had to go and comes to talk to his family showing excitement about the preparations. He tells the organizer to arrange a good choreographer for his wife and Lakshmi. Ritika was upset, RV comes to her and asks if she will dance with him. She nods and smiles. Amba asks why is everyone upset, she says his Sangeet will be such that no one would want a morning for this. RV tells them to make sure no one goes without dancing, he says curtly that everyone must see. Amba comes to him and says everyone would see, kisses RV on forehead. Baba tells Amba not to be emotional now. RV says he will do all the preparations for wedding from tomorrow, now needs a rest. RV was leaving, then comes to Ritika and says sorry as she had to wake up till so late. He takes her in hand to go to room sleeping.
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Shekhar comes to Ishaani and asks why she came from there, he says she doesn’t need to fear RV until he is there. He says he trusts her and knows she hasn’t done this robbery. They will find out who did it, let’s go to police. The jeweller says why he is bringing police, their business would be flopped this way. He says he is ready to give them jewellery they want, but asks them not to call police.
Shekhar says alright, he won’t bring police and will take the jewellery but before that he must tell who kept them there. The jeweller says the culprit is there in front of him. Shekhar looks at Ishaani, who had tears in her eyes. Shekhar asks Ishaani? The jeweller says she came to him with the jewellery, he thought she is Harshid’s daughter and didn’t ask where the jewellery came from and gave her forty lacs. Ishaani looks at Shekhar who couldn’t believe in what he was hearing. He holds Ishaani’s hand and takes her along with him. Baa prays that if not anyone else, but Shekhar’s trust must not break.
Shekhar brings Ishaani home and leaves her hand in the centre of hall. Mr. Mehra asks what he wants to do. Shekhar says he doesn’t believe what truth he came to know, he hasn’t been able to ask any questions to her any further. She will tell them all about what is true. He asks Ishaani to tell them what she told him. Ishaani stammers. Shekhar says he trusted her the most, when she didn’t stop telling him the truth, then why now. He shouts at her to tell the truth. Ishaani says she did the robbery. Shekhar holds her tight through arms, RV is moved. Shekhar says when he came behind her, he told RV he will bring her with proof of innocence but what he could see was her real face. Shekhar comes to RV and says he was right, no one knows her better than him.
It was good he came at the last moment and saved them, this girl doesn’t even know the meaning of trust and loyalty and hadn’t he saved them, she had robbed them even higher. He says to Ishaani that when her family asked her to come with them she did a bigger drama not only to rob them of their trust but also their money. Shekhar says he was mistaken, he catches criminals in court room but couldn’t catch her. He says she is better liar than him being a lawyer.
He holds her again and sqeezes her, RV is moved again. SHekhar leaves saying she isn’t worth his anger, brings her bag out and tells her to get lost from here. RV feels bad for Ishaani. Shekhar asks her to get out of his sight now. Ishaani stares at him with tears in eyes, Shekhar tells her to leave and goes from the hall, himself. Everyone from the family goes away, RV feels for the crying Ishaani. Ishaani turns away from him and wipes her tears, takes her bag to walk out of the house. RV thinks why today when she is crying, he is feeling pain? He goes behind her.
It was raining outside, Ishaani walks on the street. RV comes behind her. He thinks about Ishaani’s promise with Shekhar to marry him. His vow to Ritika about marrying.
Ishaani thinks about all the fights of Ranveer for her and his moments with RItika. Ranveer thinks about Ishaani and Shekhar. Ishaani turns to see Ranveer standing behind her. Ranveer thinks he has seen so much in so many years, but he only feels pain seeing her in pain. Ishaani thinks she only wanted him happy, if he is happy this way by insulting her she is happy this way. Ranveer thinks he only has one relation, he has only one life and one relation which he can neither live with nor break, he gets happiness and sadness only for it.
Ishaani thinks she married him but couldn’t live together. She wanted to come to him when she came out of jail, he was with Ritika so she decided to live with Shekhar. Now he separated her from him, but she is happy he is still with Ritika. Ranveer thinks he wanted to break her marriage with Shekhar because he knows she doesn’t love Shekhar, she knows his love for her is equal to Shekhar’s whole family’s love for her though she hates him so much. Ishaani turns again to leave, Ranveer cries in rain.
At home, Chaitali was walking in the hall. Baa sat worried when Ritesh comes home. Chaitali asks him he is coming so late when all the drama is over, she says Shekhar’s parent sent Ishaani out of home because she robbed their jewellery. She is a criminal.
Baa thinks about the receipt from jeweller, it showed Manas name. The jeweller says Manas told him not to tell anyone about it, he is her son in law so he gave him the money. Baa wonders why he mortgaged the jewellery. Ishaani says Manas must have been in a problem. Ishaani told the jewellery to take her name if someone asks him, she will find Manas’s truth.
Chaitali was accusing Ishaani as a criminal. She says she fears about breaking of her Dewarsh’s marriage. Chaitali says she is such a bad omen for their family. Ritesh shouts at Chaitali to shut up. Ishaani asks Ritesh why he is shouting at Chaitali, he won’t be able to hide that he has lost all the money in gambling and that robbery was done because of him. She comes inside and says to save him, Manas took such a step. He didn’t think about him and his baby, but stole only for him.
Chaitali asks if their Manas is a theif. Ritesh joins hands to Ishaani and apologize, he comes to Baa and says he did it all for Ishaani but didn’t know it would be a big mistake. He says I am sorry Ishaani, I did bad for everyone and cries. Ishaani comes to hold his hands and asks what he needed to do, Shekhar’s family didn’t need anything for them. She says they understand their conditions, why he played gambling then. Ritesh says what will happen now, she took the blame on herself. He asks Ishaani to save Manas, his child is really small. Shekhar calls that it isn’t needed, he stood on the door with Manas.
PRECAP: Shekhar says to Ishaani that he promises her that he will never lose trust on her, she can trust him to trust her and hugs her. Ranveer hears this and is restless.
Ritika was sitting with the wedding planners when RV comes home, all wet and devastated. She goes to him and calls Mala for towel. RV says he is fine, Ritika says he will get cold this way and asks him to go and change. TV walks upstairs. Mala comes to tell Ritika that someone is here to meet Amba. It was the jeweler, he looks at the temple and says to Ritika that this was their first order that turned into a big jeweler. Today, he was broken when a member from Parekh family came to him to mortgage someone else’s jewellery for money and Harshid’s daughter Ishaani took that blame on herself. RV is shocked hearing this. He comes running back, the jeweler says Ishaani didn’t mortgaged them but she took the blame onto herself to save someone of her family.
At Parekhs’s home, Shekhar comes inside and says sorry to Ishaani. He says he knew the truth, but the drama was necessary to know the truth. He says I am sorry for disrespecting her. He says he thought she is again saving someone, and the other will also come to humiliate her. He says he put on CCTV cameras at home, he checked the footage but couldn’t see the face of that person. At that time, Manas met him outside the home and told him the truth, he couldn’t see her take the blame onto herself. Manas comes inside and says sorry, he says tells Ishaani Ritesh was going to get kidnapped.
Ritesh says to Shekhar that I am sorry, he did it for Harshid’s daughter but she was disrespected. He sold a land piece and spent it on gambling to double the money so that he can spend on Ishaani’s wedding but he lost it and they demanded double money and called Dewarsh. Manas continues that he attended the phone when he came home to get his son’s toys as he was crying, he received the call and the other person said if he wants to see his father alive he must bring the amount. He thought about telling Baa and Ishaani all this but he heard Baa and Ishaani speaking. Ishaani was saying that Shekhar’s family believes her so much that they handed their locker’s keys to her as well, they are in her purse always.
Manas says he took the keys prints on soap, he didn’t tell anyone because was worried about Ritesh. He apologizes Ishaani that it was because of him Ishaani had to suffer everything. He says RV came there to worsen the situations. Ishaani says thankyou to Manas, else Ritesh would have not been here. Manas says we must thank Shekhar, he could have complaint Police but he trusted her. Shekhar tells them not to shy him, they are all his family and if something is done for family’s good it isn’t wrong.
Ritesh comes to give Ishaani’s hand in Shekhar’s and says today he is sure Ishaani is going into a good family. His trust proves they both are perfect for each other, he will never make her cry. Ishaani leaves outside, Shekhar comes behind her. She was crying, Shekhar wipes her tears. RV was passing by the road and is shocked seeing them. Ishaani was Shekhar why he believed her, Shekhar says he only listens to his heart and felt she can’t betray anyone. Her honesty shows in her eyes, she hasn’t shown such eyes before.
RV comes out of the car restlessly. Shekhar says they are marrying, but why wait to side her. He says he wants to assure her that she can trust him to trust her. He hugs Ishaani. RV was moved, hurt. Shekhar says to Ishaani that no fear would come between them; he will face all her problems before her. RV gets into his car enraged and drives away. Ishaani and Shekhar walk together, Shekhar says he is a lawyer and worked with mind as well. He makes fun that thanks God Manas doesn’t have long hair, else she also walks as Sunny Leone sometimes. Ishaani stops at this.
Shekhar says the CCTV footages were important for his family as well. Ishaani asks when he got them placed, before her mother’s death? Shekhar says yes, one day before that. Ishaani says they can check who came on terrace then, they can prove her mothers death isn’t suicide. Shekhar says he checked it already. Ishaani says she wants to check it too. Shekhar calls his associate to convert the footage to CD. Shekhar says they must go home now, else seeing the tension RV would think he has won and he won’t let him win.
Amba and Lakshmi were selecting jewellery designs, RV comes home. Ritika asks if he is fine. RV cheers and says what will happen to him, he says I am sorry I had to go and comes to talk to his family showing excitement about the preparations. He tells the organizer to arrange a good choreographer for his wife and Lakshmi. Ritika was upset, RV comes to her and asks if she will dance with him. She nods and smiles. Amba asks why is everyone upset, she says his Sangeet will be such that no one would want a morning for this. RV tells them to make sure no one goes without dancing, he says curtly that everyone must see. Amba comes to him and says everyone would see, kisses RV on forehead. Baba tells Amba not to be emotional now. RV says he will do all the preparations for wedding from tomorrow, now needs a rest. RV was leaving, then comes to Ritika and says sorry as she had to wake up till so late. He takes her in hand to go to room sleeping.
PRECAP: Ishaani watches RV and Ritika preparing dance practice.
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