Madhubala Episode 428 Update on Wednesday 9th January 2019 
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Part 1
Dips says.. maybe i forgot my status but ur wife has forgotten u.. heard that after today her status will keep rising and one day she will rise above u..! Dips suggests RK to stop chasing shadows and get used to eat food from other peoples hand.. coz his wife may not realise that he is waiting for her and after this movies release she will have no time at all with media and producers chasing her all around! RK says the movie will end in 3 weeks and after that all of Madhus time is mine! RK says.. dun worry.. u wont need to babysit me ..! Dips teases..dun keep such high hopes that u break down.. she is a heroine.. market is abuzz about her.. who knows..she gets 3-4 movies more! RK asks u got? He says.. its not easy to get movies in this industry and no one knows it better than u .. n calls her Dipali Sikky Bhatia.. urf flop heroine..! RK says.. Madhu is doing the movie for me.. and after this ..if she gets movie. .she wont do it..and u wont understand coz its between hubby-wifey! Dips taunts that.. never seen anyone look as hunky as u in anger ..! She says.. that today ur anger is not matching ur words… ! She says..ur trying to convince me of something that u dun believe in..! RK asks her to leave! Dips says. soon Madhu will be super heroine. .media will chase her ..and RK is out of his own movie.. which is Madhus launching movie! Dips says.. the insecurity and anger u are trying to hide is evident.. the fact that Madhu is taking ur place. .n people praising her and not u ..n her not giving time to u.. is not acceptable to u..! RK says stop it..! Dips says. .no matter how hard u try to hide it. u cant hide it from me.. i m ur first love … so i know u damn well..! RK says and ur the first girl that i hate most! Dips asks RK to look in her eyes and say. he trusts Madhu blindly ..! RK says.. yes.. i love Madhu and have full faith in her.. n as for the movie. .Madhu is doing this movie just for me!

Dips says first time i feel pity for u..! She says i came to share the bitterness of ur life.. but u are trying to prove a lie .as truth that u dun believe urself.. ! Dips says.. what i wanted to say is ..that ur the producer of ur movie. but ur destiny is written. .the accident with u. .was written in stars. n now the second half has started..! RK fumes! Dips says. keep ego away n listen! Dips says.. Mukund being trampled under ur car.. Madhu filing case against u. .u marrying her n then falling for her..n now her becoming ur movies heroine.. its all clear! RK asks what is clear? Dips says all is predestined.. it was destined Madhu is gonna be the heroine.. and so she came in ur life.. ! Dips says the writer-director of this story is God..who ensured that u are kicked out of the movie. and Madhu will take ur place.. ! Dips says.. iss movie ke bad.. Madhu ugta hua Suraj hogi aur tum dubta hua tara! RK fumes!
Madhu is checking her she hears Bittu – Roma fire orders.. ! Madhu asks Roma if its not too late? She says.. had told RK will reach by dinner! Roma says.. just one more it and then go home! Roma says …everyday we are losing on shoot hours.. its better we finish the shoot in time..! Mehul comes and asks ready? Madhu says yes..! Roma says.. go rush ..n then we will leave for home!

RK is sitting in the bedroom and switching on and off the table light.. ! He recollects Mehuls praise for Madhu n Dips final words of ugta hua suraj..!

Madhu comes and apologises to RK ..for coming late! She asks …u ate? RK says waiting for ur soup! Madhu goes to make it..! RK keeps fuming..! Madhu says dun tell Radha that i am preparing soup here ..! She is chopping onions! She says how she got late coz of lighting issues..! Madhu says how she messed up her lines and so reshots happened ..n how Mehul chided her! Madhu says.. after RK left.. a group of kids had come and asked for autographs..and they asked me. .n RK says..that if i will get soup or not? RK says am in this industry since 6 years.. i dun care who asked for ur autographs.. will i get soup? Am hungry! Madhu says.. those kids were ur fans and wanted ur autograph. .they sent a hand made card for u..! Madhu goes to make soup ..! RK keeps mum ..!

RK comes in Dips room ..! Dips is delighted..! She wonders if its a dream? She sings.. ghar aaya mera pardesi…! She says ever since RK has married Madhu ..he appears in her room frequently..! Dips asks Madhu din come? RK says she has come..! Dips says and still u r in my room! RK says.. taking advantage of Sikkys absence? Dips says good..we can talk .. ! RK says.. dun fly ur imagination too much or someone will shoot it down! RK says i know what is going thru ur mind.. dare not try and create misunderstanding between me and Madhu ..! Madhu is mine. .n only mine!

Part 2
Dips says the old confident RK wouldnt have come in my room to defend his relation.. he would have fired insults.. and verbal assaults..! She says.. there is no fire in ur voice. no curses in ur words.. its just an attempt to blame me.! She says cry baby! Dips says.. i like old and new RK both..! Dips says.. feel bad about u ..that u cant share ur insecurity..! Dips asks RK to forget Madhu..! She hugs RK and says.. i will always be urs.. before and after and with Madhu! RK pushes her off..! He limps back out of the room..!
Part 3
Madhu asks RK why u came downstairs. i was coming to u. with soup.! RK says.. dun want soup! Madhu asks why not ? RK says..will u decide what i want ?? Madhu says i made soup just for u..! RK says.. after working whole day u made soup for me? Thats to be appreciated? Madhu fumes..! RK says.. i have worked . .n more than u. .i worked whole day n gave time to u. n din impose that am doing any favour..! Madhu says.. i m not trying to impose anything.. made soup for u out of love.. n what i did at work. .was just work.. dun misunderstand me! Madhu offers soup to RK and he pushes the plate away on the floor ..thus breaking it! RK loses balance n manages to hold on to the stairs..! Madhu says. RK? RK says stay away. am not a cripple. dun treat me like it.! I hate it.! RK walks off! Madhu is stunned…and stares at the broken soup bowl..! Pabho watches ..them!

Next day morning.. at breakfast table.. Madhu looks at RK but he keeps mum! Pabho-Dips share glances..! Pabho asks RK if he is gonna go on set? RK says havent decided! Pabho asks Madhu she has to go? She then asks why Madhu was sleeping on the sofa? Dips says coz of me..! Dips says Madhu came too late from set.. n was looking tired.. so i suggested for her to sit on the sofa and went to make Kada for her..! Dips says.. i made kada.. but Madhu had fallen asleep..she was looking cute. .so din wanna trouble her..! Bittu comes n informs.. Mehul has found a big distributor for the film .. he saw few shots of the film n loved it..! Bittu says he was praising Madhus acting the most! RK fumes.. n says.. how dare Mehul show the scenes to anyone else? Before showing it to anyone.. Mehul should show it to me..! Bittu says whatever Mehul did ..did well .. before the movie is made .. it will be sold! RK says am the producer of the film n i will decide who i wanna sell the film to..! Madhu is stunned..!

Precap — RK tries to pick something n Madhu offers to help ..! He jerks from Madhus touch n she asks what is the matter? RK says.. this..that u try to become solution to all my problems.. ur not God.. so dun try to become one..! Madhu is shocked..!

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