Kuch Rang Season 2 Episode 3--4 Update on Friday 4th January 2019 
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Shubh had just slept when Sona and Dev come home with Suha. Suha was excited to wake Shubh up and play with him, Radha forbids as he had been crying since morning. Ishwari asks Suha how she is, they sent her to school in spite of stomach ache. Sona takes Shubh upstairs. Radha discusses with Sona that their new generation doesn’t listen to them; a person must prioritize his kids in life.
Sona was lost in some deep thought in the room when Suha comes asking why is she sad, if she missed Shubh. Dev says Sona is upset because Suha hasn’t taken another dose of her medicine. Suha takes the medicine, and asks if Sona is happy now. Dev sends her to sleep now and speaks to Sona that he knows she is worried for what Maa said. He assures in a few days everything will get settled, and
Sona was lost in some deep thought in the room when Suha comes asking why is she sad, if she missed Shubh. Dev says Sona is upset because Suha hasn’t taken another dose of her medicine. Suha takes the medicine, and asks if Sona is happy now. Dev sends her to sleep now and speaks to Sona that he knows she is worried for what Maa said. He assures in a few days everything will get settled, and
they will laugh about this stress. Sona shares her worry about how she can be careless and ignored Suha’s stomach ache. Dev insists it was their mistake but they learnt from it. Sona asks if they will be able to become perfect parents. Dev takes her into his hug and says it would be boring to be perfect, they will become good parents instead and give the best to their children. He assures them with each other. Sona rests her head over his shoulder.
Aasha comes to Ishwari worried about Suha. Ishwari asks how Sona took care of Suha when she was a child. Asha says she and Vijay were there but sometimes Sona took her to her newly created office. She asks what Ishwari is thinking. Ishwari says the thinking of this new generation has changed, when its about children’s brought up they must understand the kids need full attention. They can all take care of kids but can’t be their parents. It’s their right to explain this to kids well.
Golu convinces Suha not to be angry with him and dances around to cheer her up. Suha finally claps at his performance and the kids enjoy together.
At night, Ishwari comes to speak to Dev in the kitchen and says a mother always know what her children want. Dev gives her a hug saying Ishwari needs this. He insists Sona just started to work, she is trying to handle. Ishwari insists on him to understand why Sona needs to work. She says she had liabilities and couldn’t stay at home with her kids, but Sonakshi has everything desired. Dev insists this is a huge project, a dream of hundreds. She has taken the project because she loves the work and want to help poor kids get proper nutrition.
Ishwari wasn’t convinced, she understands what Sonakshi wants to do is courageous. She insists Sona can work from home through laptop as well. Sona hears this from behind as Ishwari says work isn’t important than kids. She calls Sona inside and asks if she is saying something wrong. Dev convinces time has changed, they will manage. Ishwari says not everyone get a chance to witness their children’s childhood so peacefully. Dev tells Sonakshi it will take time for everyone to understand the matters.
In the room Sona was still thinking about Ishwari and kids. Dev comes to give her a back massage, boasting about his talents. He says everyone was stressed as it was first day of work, but in a few days they will all get used to it. She gets a call from Asha, Dev says even she knows how stressed is Sona. Aasha hears Dev singing behind, they laugh when Sona says who else it could be. Sona goes outside to speak to Aasha. Sona shares she feels guilty about what happened today. Asha tells Sona that kids only understand the dose of mother’s love the best, women can achieve anything in life but for a kid his mother is the most essential. She is lucky to be able to do a lot and set up a huge business umpire. She doesn’t need to worry, Shorab is there to take care of her business.
In the room, Dev joins hands to Shubh to sleep. Sona was in dilemma about leaving work or not. Shubh stops crying and begin to play. Dev insists on Sona to go and get a sleep, it’s her meeting tomorrow morning. Dev takes Shubh from her hands and say he won’t sleep at all if they continue playing with her. Sona watches him cradle Shubh till he fall asleep. Sona tells Dev she has decided to leave work.
Aasha comes to Ishwari worried about Suha. Ishwari asks how Sona took care of Suha when she was a child. Asha says she and Vijay were there but sometimes Sona took her to her newly created office. She asks what Ishwari is thinking. Ishwari says the thinking of this new generation has changed, when its about children’s brought up they must understand the kids need full attention. They can all take care of kids but can’t be their parents. It’s their right to explain this to kids well.
Golu convinces Suha not to be angry with him and dances around to cheer her up. Suha finally claps at his performance and the kids enjoy together.
At night, Ishwari comes to speak to Dev in the kitchen and says a mother always know what her children want. Dev gives her a hug saying Ishwari needs this. He insists Sona just started to work, she is trying to handle. Ishwari insists on him to understand why Sona needs to work. She says she had liabilities and couldn’t stay at home with her kids, but Sonakshi has everything desired. Dev insists this is a huge project, a dream of hundreds. She has taken the project because she loves the work and want to help poor kids get proper nutrition.
Ishwari wasn’t convinced, she understands what Sonakshi wants to do is courageous. She insists Sona can work from home through laptop as well. Sona hears this from behind as Ishwari says work isn’t important than kids. She calls Sona inside and asks if she is saying something wrong. Dev convinces time has changed, they will manage. Ishwari says not everyone get a chance to witness their children’s childhood so peacefully. Dev tells Sonakshi it will take time for everyone to understand the matters.
In the room Sona was still thinking about Ishwari and kids. Dev comes to give her a back massage, boasting about his talents. He says everyone was stressed as it was first day of work, but in a few days they will all get used to it. She gets a call from Asha, Dev says even she knows how stressed is Sona. Aasha hears Dev singing behind, they laugh when Sona says who else it could be. Sona goes outside to speak to Aasha. Sona shares she feels guilty about what happened today. Asha tells Sona that kids only understand the dose of mother’s love the best, women can achieve anything in life but for a kid his mother is the most essential. She is lucky to be able to do a lot and set up a huge business umpire. She doesn’t need to worry, Shorab is there to take care of her business.
In the room, Dev joins hands to Shubh to sleep. Sona was in dilemma about leaving work or not. Shubh stops crying and begin to play. Dev insists on Sona to go and get a sleep, it’s her meeting tomorrow morning. Dev takes Shubh from her hands and say he won’t sleep at all if they continue playing with her. Sona watches him cradle Shubh till he fall asleep. Sona tells Dev she has decided to leave work.
PRECAP: Dev says in their society only a mother has to leave everything. In the morning, Dev announces his decision about taking care of kids from today and Sonakshi will look after her business…
Sona says she decided not to work and stay with Suha and Shubh. Dev says she got a government project, does she think SHorabh will handle the project alone. Sonakshi says she has thought well before taking this decision. Dev insists she needs to think a little more. Sona places her head over Dev’s shoulder.
Aleena was checking mail. Vicky asks if she thinks its all normal that Sona is going to work. Aleena says no… actually… Vicky says children need mother the most, its mother’s duty to sit at work and take care after kids and a husband’s duty to take care of earnings. He agree women have to sacrifice thier dreams, but what husbands earn is for family. It doesn’t if the dreams are achieved or not, one must take of its responsibility.
Aleena was checking mail. Vicky asks if she thinks its all normal that Sona is going to work. Aleena says no… actually… Vicky says children need mother the most, its mother’s duty to sit at work and take care after kids and a husband’s duty to take care of earnings. He agree women have to sacrifice thier dreams, but what husbands earn is for family. It doesn’t if the dreams are achieved or not, one must take of its responsibility.
in the room, Sona wakes up apologetic that she had slept. She asks Dev to come to sleep, they will get to know when Shubh is awake. Dev tells Sona he has made a decision, they will change everything. In their society, only a mother has to sacrifice but they need to change this rule. Now she will run the business, and he will take care of kids. Sona says he needs sleep definitely. Dev says he doesnt joke so late, Vicky will take care of his business but none can replace her. Sona asks if its a joke. Dev says its serious, he won’t go to work tomorrow. Sona says they will talk about it tomorrow. Dev says he has been running for long, its time for him to slow down and take care of his family now. Sona says he has an expertise in business, taking care of home is difficult. Sona asks what when the world would know Dev Dixit is a house husband. Dev says what his family thinks matter, not the world. He has been given a chance to be with her which he didn’t have when Suha was borne. He now wants an awared of best husband. They sleep hand in hand.
Next morning, Dev comes to breakfast table and announces he will take care of Suhana and Shubh from today. Ishwari takes it lightly. Dev says from today she will look after kids and home, and Sona will handle her business. Radha asks who would do business. Dev says Vicky will take care of business. Vicky asks how he would do this, Dev tells him to try. He has made the decision. Ishwari question what’s this decision, if they think its a joke. A man and woman has special place in life, and the rules have been thoughtfully decided. Her brother tries to calm Ishwari down, but she wasn’t ready. Dev insists they create the soceity, and all these rules can be changed as well. Dev asks if she fear they can’t take responsibility of kids, at maximum he would commit a mistake but she needs to trust him. Radha comes to Ishwari and says they must not abide by every decision of thier kid. They must allow them to take decisions of thier lives, but Ishwari must also worry what thier society would think of them. Radha suggests Ishwari must speak to Dev that children’s brought up isn’t easy. Ishwari agrees that their decision seems wrong to me, but Dev can’t change his consent so easily.
Golu was in the room mocking his work on laptop. Dev watches this from the door, as they mock of being husband and wife. Golu asks her for tea and appreciates her. Aleena comes to speak to him. Dev tells her not to forbid him for any work. Aleena instead appreciate his decision, its a rare one. Dev says they need to consider each other equal. Aleena says not all husbands are understanding, Vicky comes there and questions if he must sit back at home. Dev says Vicky has a logic. Aleena says logically, when Dev goes to office Vicky must sit back home. Vicky insists thier children know its the best balance they have created, and is the right thing to do.
Ishwari comes to room and tells Sona she didn’t think they will take such a meaning about what she said. Sona explains she is really shocked herself. Ishwari says if even Dev has taken the decision only she can change. Ishwari says they must not take the decision only the change the rules of world. Being partners don’t mean you take each other’s place. Sona says she agrees. Ishwari was upset that Sona doesnt want to do what she is saying.
There, Shorab taunts that his wife can’t even take care of a single child. She says even Shorabh is doing the same, as Dev. Bejoy tells Aasha that Dev has taken the best decision, it will support Sona alot. Vicky asks Aleeena why she disgraced him in front of Dev. Aleena says she could have achieved alot in life, but was stuck with responsibility of Golu. Vicky asks if she could have earned more than him? Aleena calls him a male chauvinist. Vicky forbids her to think about him becoming as Dev, he has to live and win but not as a woman.
Dev comes to Sona and finds him lost. Sona says she can’t live for so many hours without Shubh. Dev asks if she wants to send him away from Shubh then, this is selfish. He says alright, they must both sit back at home and bring up kids. He tells Sona she experienced it in life already, but its his first chance. Sona says she thinks what everyone is saying is right. Dev says if Sona supports him he can do anything, will she trust him?
PRECAP: Sona confirms if Dev would be able to do this. Dev tells her to go and take care of her office, he will well do it in her guidance.
Next morning, Dev comes to breakfast table and announces he will take care of Suhana and Shubh from today. Ishwari takes it lightly. Dev says from today she will look after kids and home, and Sona will handle her business. Radha asks who would do business. Dev says Vicky will take care of business. Vicky asks how he would do this, Dev tells him to try. He has made the decision. Ishwari question what’s this decision, if they think its a joke. A man and woman has special place in life, and the rules have been thoughtfully decided. Her brother tries to calm Ishwari down, but she wasn’t ready. Dev insists they create the soceity, and all these rules can be changed as well. Dev asks if she fear they can’t take responsibility of kids, at maximum he would commit a mistake but she needs to trust him. Radha comes to Ishwari and says they must not abide by every decision of thier kid. They must allow them to take decisions of thier lives, but Ishwari must also worry what thier society would think of them. Radha suggests Ishwari must speak to Dev that children’s brought up isn’t easy. Ishwari agrees that their decision seems wrong to me, but Dev can’t change his consent so easily.
Golu was in the room mocking his work on laptop. Dev watches this from the door, as they mock of being husband and wife. Golu asks her for tea and appreciates her. Aleena comes to speak to him. Dev tells her not to forbid him for any work. Aleena instead appreciate his decision, its a rare one. Dev says they need to consider each other equal. Aleena says not all husbands are understanding, Vicky comes there and questions if he must sit back at home. Dev says Vicky has a logic. Aleena says logically, when Dev goes to office Vicky must sit back home. Vicky insists thier children know its the best balance they have created, and is the right thing to do.
Ishwari comes to room and tells Sona she didn’t think they will take such a meaning about what she said. Sona explains she is really shocked herself. Ishwari says if even Dev has taken the decision only she can change. Ishwari says they must not take the decision only the change the rules of world. Being partners don’t mean you take each other’s place. Sona says she agrees. Ishwari was upset that Sona doesnt want to do what she is saying.
There, Shorab taunts that his wife can’t even take care of a single child. She says even Shorabh is doing the same, as Dev. Bejoy tells Aasha that Dev has taken the best decision, it will support Sona alot. Vicky asks Aleeena why she disgraced him in front of Dev. Aleena says she could have achieved alot in life, but was stuck with responsibility of Golu. Vicky asks if she could have earned more than him? Aleena calls him a male chauvinist. Vicky forbids her to think about him becoming as Dev, he has to live and win but not as a woman.
Dev comes to Sona and finds him lost. Sona says she can’t live for so many hours without Shubh. Dev asks if she wants to send him away from Shubh then, this is selfish. He says alright, they must both sit back at home and bring up kids. He tells Sona she experienced it in life already, but its his first chance. Sona says she thinks what everyone is saying is right. Dev says if Sona supports him he can do anything, will she trust him?
PRECAP: Sona confirms if Dev would be able to do this. Dev tells her to go and take care of her office, he will well do it in her guidance.
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