Kuch Rang Episode 371--372 Update on Tuesday 18th December 2018 
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Sona stands outside bathroom door and tells Dev that Suha had an essay competition in school. She had to write good and bad things about her parents. She got less marks because she wrote all good things only. She thinks they are perfect. She says that they fight, get angry, there are some things that she doesn’t like about him. When he keeps an eye on her, she feels like locking him up in room. But then there’s time when she comes home and he’s not in house, then house looks empty. It’s confusing for both of them, but that’s what love is. Relationship can only be if both support each other and try to make things perfect. She says she loves him a lot. She asks him to say something. A servant comes to take Dev’s tie. She asks where Dev is. He says Dev
is leaving for the office.
is leaving for the office.
Elena asks Vicky what he is hiding. He says it’s all for her and Golu. She really wants to see it? She says yes. He shows them their pictures from a pen drive on his laptop and says he thought pen drive can be damaged, so he thought to print those pictures and make an album. He wanted to keep it a surprise, but.. Elena is happy.
Sona comes outside and asks Ishwari whether she seen Dev. Ishwari says he left. Sona’s mum calls Sona and tells her that she’s going to become a bua soon. Ronita is expecting. Sona calls Elena and Ishwari. All are happy and excited. They congratulate Ronita. Sona calls Dev to inform him. Dev is on other call. He sees Sona’s call coming in, but doesn’t pick up. Sonakshi says he seems busy. Dev’s youngest sister says how that is possible. Dev is never busy for Sonakshi and asks her to try again. Sonakshi says it’s okay.. she will send a message.
Golu is teaching Suha how to cheat in exam. She says she won’t be able to do it. Golu encourages her.
All family members are taking care of Ronita for every small thing and making sure she is comfortable. Sona comes there and is stunned by her family’s behavior. She tells them to give Ronita some space. Sona looks at her phone and makes a sad face. Her mum notices it.
Vicky meets Dev’s competitor and gives him the software in return of money.
Dev looks at Sona’s empty chair and recalls recent events. He is upset with her and decides he won’t ask her or tell her anything.
Vicky is finding an expensive camera for Elena. He tells her that her husband is not a kanjoos anymore. She is happy.
Sona brings Ronita to a doctor. Sourav calls for Ronita. Hearing their conversation, Sona gets memories of Dev taking care of her while she was pregnant. She is waiting for Dev’s call.
Dev returns home. Golu wants to go outside. Dev says, not today. Ishwari sends kids to do their homework. She asks Dev, so early. He says, just like that. She asks he didn’t bring Sona with him. He says she’s not in office. She says he doesn’t know where she is? She might have forgotten and if she didn’t tell, then he could have asked. She calls Sona from Dev’s phone. Sona gets happy seeing Dev’s call. Before she picks up, Dev takes his phone from Ishwari and disconnects the call. He says she will be back once her work is done. Sona calls back, but Dev disconnects. Dev says in his mind, I didn’t call you, Sona, so don’t be misunderstood. I know if Maa didn’t call you from my phone, then you wouldn’t have called back. If you love me, then prove it. I have turned off my phone. Now I will see what you do. Whether you leave everything and come or no. I am waiting. Come on Ms. Bose.
Precap: Sona and Elena hear Vicky’s convo with Dev’s competitor.
Ronita asks Sona whether there is any problem. Dev says he wants to get proved wrong today. If Sona loves him, then she will definitely come. Golu and Suha want to play. Dev gets somewhat mad and says don’t they have homework? He will check their homework in 10 minutes. Ronita thanks Sona for being with her and asks she doesn’t need to go anywhere, right? Sona says pregnancy is a journey. When she was pregnant, no one was with her. She promises Ronita that someone will always be with her. Ronita says she’s world’s best nanand.
Dev’s competitor informs Vicky that he has given him a dummy software. Vicky says it’s not possible. He took software out of Dev’s laptop himself. Dev’s competitor says then maybe Dev knew and he purposely put
dummy software in his laptop. He threatens Vicky. Vicky asks who he is to threaten him. He reminds Vicky that he has given him 10 crore rupees.
dummy software in his laptop. He threatens Vicky. Vicky asks who he is to threaten him. He reminds Vicky that he has given him 10 crore rupees.
Sona and Ronita return home. Family ask what happened. Sona and Ronita are quiet. Everyone gets worried. Sona tells Sourav that he has struggled a lot and the world has taunted him a lot, but now he’s going to become a father. Everyone gets emotional. Sona tells Sourav to always keep Ronita happy. If she will be happy, then baby will be happy. They all are happy. Other side, Dev is not happy.
Sona is leaving, but her family stops her. Sona says she will have to leave. Dev is waiting. Sona’s dad says he will wait a bit more, but her mother lets her go.
Vicky is confused as if Dev knew about all this, then he would have thrown him out of the office. He’s not sure what to do.
Golu asks Suha to play with him, but she is not in mood. Ishwari comes there and asks Suha what happened. Suha asks husband and wife should talk nicely with each other, right? Ishwari says yes, what happened? Suha and Golu act of Sona and Dev and show Ishwari how they talk to (fight with) each other. She asks that means all is not well between them, right? Golu says when they fight, it means all is okay. When they do not talk, then that means something is wrong. Ishwari says arguments happen between the couples, it’s normal.
It’s night now. Sona is finally home. They both again fight on the same topic. Dev says she doesn’t love him enough. Sona says she called him, but he didn’t pick it up. She knows he turned off his phone purposely, but if he had picked up her call, then he would know that she was with Ronita because she is pregnant. There can be times when she has to hold back her emotions, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t love him. She wants Ronita to get all the happiness which she didn’t get while she was pregnant. And for that, if she has to hold back her emotions 1000 times, then she will.
Vicky comes home and asks his mum whether Dev was angry when he came from office. Just then Dev comes. He informs Vicky that someone tried to steal the software and asks him to find out who that person was. He figured that and that’s why he put dummy software in his laptop.
Sona’s mum calls her and asks why she didn’t come with Dev. Sona asks Dev came there? Her mum says yes in morning and he brought like whole garden with him for Ronita. Such a beautiful flowers. She should have seen how happy he is for Sourav and Ronita. He was a bit upset that why he got that news late, else he would gone along with Sona for Ronita’s appointment. He said for next appointment, he will go with Sona. She wonders if Dev was with Sona during her pregnancy, then what all he would have done. Sona says he’s very crazy. Elena asks Sona what happened. Sona says Dev is completely unpredictable. He went to her house with flowers and all. Sometimes he does things which angers Sona and sometimes he does such cute things that get rid off her anger. Totally mental.
Vicky calls Dev’s competitor and says he was wrong. Dev has no doubt on him. Now Vicky threatens to give this deal to someone else. Dev’s competitor apologises Vicky. Vicky says Dev may be a king in business world, but there is only one person who can manipulate him and that’s me. 7 years ago, who was responsible for Dev-Sona separation? It was me, Vicky. First he created misunderstandings, when they fought, he took more advantage of it. And it was him who made Sona believe that her house was taken away by Dev and no one else. That poor Dev was drunk and crying in farmhouse. Sona may have agreed before, but once she saw her family breaking, she broke her marriage only. Vicky turns and is shocked to find Sona and Elena there. Both stare at him angrily. Sona recalls 7 years old events, Sona’s family having to leave their house, her and Dev separation. Vicky says what they heard wasn’t true, he was just joking. Sona slaps him, grabs his collar and says you did such a big betrayal with me and Dev. I was his wife. Vicky thinks if he doesn’t beg and stop them now, then his software plan would finish. He apologises to Sona saying he made a mistake. At that time, he thought what he was doing was best for them. Their relationship had almost ended, they were fighting, so he thought it’s best to separate them. But now after 7 years, everything is okay. Sona asks who he is to decide to separate her and Dev. He made Sona and Dev against each other. They were separate for 7 years. Dev stayed away from his daughter for 7 years. Why he did all that? It was their life. Sona cries. Elena goes to Vicky and says she’s ashamed of calling him her husband. Vicky says he made a mistake. He didn’t know what to do at that time. Elena says a mistake? Because of which Dev and Sona lived separately for 7 years. For how many mistakes he will say sorry? She tells Sona to go with her and tell truth to Dev. She wants Dev to punish Vicky. Everyone should find out Vicky’s truth. Vicky begs Sona not to go to Dev, he won’t spare him then. She can punish him. Elena tells him he should have learned something from this family. He himself should tell the truth to Dev. He might slap him, but then eventually forgive him. He has such a big heart. But she will never forgive him for what he has done. All the respect she had for him is gone today. She asks Sona to go with her. Vicky apologises again.
Precap: Elena is taking Sona with her. Sona turns back seeing family members happy. Elena says she must tell truth to Dev. Dev asks tell what?..
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