Madhubala Episode 351--352 Update on Friday 9th November 2018 
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Part 1
Madhu asks where is my RK.. answer? Lights come up and its RK standing in front of Madhu ..holding the gun! Madhu says RK? RK says for this reason her return to Mum was important? Expecting Sultan? RK says..for this she wants to divorce him to leave him? RK says..for this..she kept saying she hates him? Madhu cries..! RK asks Madhu if all this is so weak that one Sultan can end all ..can shake all things up? Madhu hugs RK and breaksdown..! RK caresses Madhus face…! RK asks Madhu why she lost faith in him their love? RK asks when she thot she can fight alone.. face all pain alone? RK asks why.. she thot.. he would let anything happen to his love..his her?? He says am with u.. n till then no one will be with her..! RK says Sultan is not a God n even if he was..he would not have let him snatch her from him! RK asks Madhu to spill the beans and Madhu says when told Sultan is alive.. no one believed in me..! She says he came to meet her everyplace..! RK starts thinking..! Madhu says Sultan came in the house too .. n said that if she din leave RK he would kill RK! Madhu says in jail he got RK attacked..! RK sits on the bed…listening! Madhu says then he threatened if din get the papers signed he will end RK..! RK breaks things in the room and fumes.. how dare he.. hurt u.. MY MADHU ..! RK asks Madhu why she din tell him ..all the truth? Madhu says was scared..! Madhu says..if it was about her .would have retaliated but it was about RK so could not take risk..!

Madhu says… my every happiness. .evey relation nothing is above u ..RK! Madhu hugs RK again..! RK says.. as if he would be alive without her? RK says keeping aside all the pain aside if she would have told him the truth he would have set all right..!RK says what done is done.. but now for every tear and every pain that Sultan gave Madhu .. he will have to pay with service tax! RK says Sultan thot that ..he played a game on them. .n won but now he will realise that Right Kameena is Right Khiladi..! Madhu asks what will we do? RK says.. in Sultans style we will do. Chall Shay Maat..! RK says.. its a habit of hero.. to teach Villain a lesson n this is habit that wont break..! RK tells Madhu a plan… .!! RK asks for Madhus phone.. n Madhu shows..! RK tells Madhu that Sultan must be trying to reach her.. see Sultans call and asks her to receive the call and talk ..!

Sultan asks where are u? Madhu stammers..! Sultan asks why she told RK about their plan n Madhu says she cant do anything like that else he would hurt RK and i love him…so cant risk it! Sultan she forgot she was to come to him? Madhu says was on the way but RK locked her in the room..! Sultan says why is he calling his death by coming between them! Sultan asks where is she? Madhu says locked in room . .n Sultan says .. get out of there and come. or else she will pay.. by RKs life..! Sultan says am death.. if she wants to stop his steps towards RK ..she has to come to him ..right here right now! Madhu says dunno where i am will i reach. .n Sultan says then i will come to u. .but after RKs death! Madhu says.. dun do this.. coz if he wil ..will end my life..! RK writes some details n tells Madhu to read..! Madhu says.. its dahi handi .. parso ..n RK will come .. will convince RK to bring me there n Sultan n her will leave from there..! Sultan says so she will decide? Sultan says.what is to be done n how.. all will be decided by him ..!! Sultan says she thinks she will set a trap for him ?? Pyaar me dewana hun bewakuf nahi..! Sultan asks where did u get the idea from?Films? Madhu says if he has to reach her.. he has to trust her..! Madhu says if wanted to trap him .would have told RK all ..long back..! Madhu says he knows.. she wont put RK in danger..! Sultan says .. cant trust u fully . n if RK thinks he will keep her away from him .. by locking her up?? No ways.. will fly u away in front of him if he is alive..! Sultan says coming to take u with me… wait for me… right away..!!

Madhu tells RK he will take me away from u n RK says not with me around n Madhu says am too scared! RK says am with u n this time we will reach to him..! Madhu says what if plan fails? RK says even if it does.. from today they will love each other so much that even destiny will be hurt to separate them.! Ek dusre ko itna pyaar de ke hum jee uthe..! BG – Sang hun tere! Rishbala hug!
Bittu tells servants to set the breakfast table.. ! Radha asks for her phone to call driver to return..! Bittu says RK ordered ..! Radha says will have to live at his cost? He talked of whole family ..where is the family? No RK .. Madhu .! She says its Janmashtami tomorrow have to set things at home n Bittu says one minute n excuses himself..!

Part 2
RKs moby rings and Madhu wakes with a start asking for RK n he with u ..n he takes call ..! Bittu says Radha wants to return for janmashtami..! RK cribs and says so many things are going on ..n Madhu syas its abotu her faith .dun say no! RK says.. its about faith in the biggest superstar director writer so .. ok ..! Madh usays its important day..dun say no . .n dun be angry.! She says.. wanna set things right..who knows its their last Janmashtami ..with family! RK says not to talk crap as if next year she will celebrate Kans = Ravans budday? Madhu says.. i love n RK says.. why saying like this? ITs not last day of their ife..! Madh usays sitll wanna say. .n says I love u.! RK says to Madhu… its monday.. its my fast day of love. .so today my ears cant hear romantic things. n says ok bye… .n leaves..! Madhu stares..!

Family is on its way back… to mansion! Sikky cribs about day being wasted n Dips asks what was he gonna do? Sikky says meet producers in dreams..! Bittu says so true..! Dips asks Bittu where are Rishbala? Bittu says at home..! All are shocked..! Dips wonders where is Sultan? Radha tells Dips that .. its Janmashtami .. lots of preparations to do. .need u and Madhu n Dips agrees..!
Part 3
Radha enters the mansion n sees decorations of janmashtami underway n she is delighted ..! Dips fumes that Aashiq don is busy setting his aashiqui n Chawlbala seeing gruhasti..! RK comes and says.. Bittu ji thanks for brining everyone on time! RK says today evening.. some media people are coming to cover the puja n they have to appear to be a happy family .! Madhu smiles..! RK says biggest lie is wear sweater to the sun .. but media sells lies..! Sikky says..we can lauf but what to play..! RK says FILHAL ki biwi.. please behave well before everyone else.. her wish to get divorce will be a wish only ..! Madhu fumes n Dips smirks..!

Precap —- Dips touches RKs arm n asks how is his injury? If its hurting can apply oinment n RK turns away..! Madhu fumes..!

Part 1
RK says that everyone will behave like ONE big happy family. He says to Madhu that she will behave like an ideal wife in front of the media otherwise she might as well forget the divorce which RK is going to give her. Bittuji comes and asks what is happening. RK says that they will behave like ONE big happy family because his next film is a big family drama and he needs to get in those shoes. Bittuji is confused by what RK is trying to say, unable to understand the hidden motive of RK. RK asks if he has understood everything or he needs to make him understand in RKs way? Bittuji understands his tone and he says that how could he forget this plan which he only advised him. RK nods and Bittuji leaves. Radhaji says that was this all done for the media. She thought this was all done by Madhu for the pooja. Madhu is sad at Radhajis plight. RK says that tomorrow he will be going to Madhus chawl for Dahi-Handi celebration and whole family should happily hang with him. He tells Madhu that even she needs to hang with him too because its HER chawl he will be going to after all. Radhaji and Sikki leaves. Dipali comes near RK and asks him about his wound and if he needs to get some more medicine applied to it. RK calls Sikki and says that Dipali wants to press his hands and legs for the whole night and asks if Sikki is ok with it. Dipali fumes and Sikki takes her away happily.
Madhu comes near RK and RK says that he is happy that he can see Ishq Ka Arabian Sea in her eyes but this would spoil the plan and all their efforts would go in vain. Madhu says that she is normally looking at him. He says that she is looking at him as if she would just say Pritam… Aata Kya Khandala… RK smirks. He says that Madhu should see him with Nafrat waale (hate) expressions…afterall they are ACTING. Madhu taunts that he is an actor, not she. RK says that this way you can never become an actress and he asks her that please never become an actress because youre not at all one. Madhu fumes. RK says that this is the correct expression. Madhu says I hate you RK smiles and says that dil ki baat keh di biwi. He gives her a flying kiss and says Me too and goes away.

Madhu comes to RKs room, Bittuji follows and apologizes for not understanding Madhus plight behind giving RK divorce. Madhu says that he believed what she showed him and RK. Bittuji says that his heart knew that this was all a drama but he couldnt bring his mind to believe his heart, he could not maintain his belief on Madhu and he is sorry for that. Madhu says that if he is feeling bad, he should do something for her. Bittuji says what. She asks him to close his eyes and ties a rakhi on his hands. She says that she wanted to tie him rakhi on Rakshabandhan but because of Sultan… she cuts the conversation and says that she always wanted a brother and she found one in him. Bittuji says that he has no gift for her. Madhu says that when she was hurting RK, he was supporting him…so thats the biggest gift he could have given her. Bittuji says that no matter what…a gift is due. Madhu smiles and says that he doesnt look good while crying. RK buts in and asks Bittuji to stop crying as it would give Madhu a reason to shed her tears. Madhu sniffs in anger and complains that he always teases her like that. RK says that Bittuji should not cry because otherwise he will give him the role of his mom in the film and he will have only one dialogue to say Mere RK-Madhu aayenge and asks Madhu to stop her senti act. Madhu fumes that she never wants to see his face again and walks off.

Dipali is confused that going to the chawl for Dahi-Handi and family drama is not RKs style. What is going in his mind. Why is he not giving her a divorce even though Madhu claims that she doesnt love him but Sult. She stops realizing Sikkis presence and asks him to go away and calls Sultan. She informs him that they are back home and Madhu is happily arranging for the Janmashtami Pooja like an ideal daughter-in-law. She informs him that they will go to chawl tomorrow for Dahi-Handi and Madhu will also come. Sultan fumes. Dipali taunts that his plan has failed miserably. Sultan smirks that Madhu coming to the Dahi Handi is also a part of his plan, his plan will not fail no matter what. Dipali is shocked and happy at the same time. Sultan says that he told Madhu that he will take her away anytime but if she wants that he should take her away in front of RK and everyone, so be it… he will come to the chawl tomorrow and take Madhu away in front of everyone. Dipali asks if he promises to complete his plan. Sultan says that Haan…Vaada He says that her work is not done yet, she still has to inform of any developments that is taking place in RK Mansion and if there is any plan change. Dipali agrees and Sultan cuts the call.

Madhu comes dressed for the Pooja greeting the ladies in the house. Dipali sees Madhu and thinks that this is her last night in this house, tomorrow she will be running all over the world along with her gangster-aashiq Some ladies and Panditji ask for Radhaji and Madhu goes to summon her. Radhaji opens the door and says that all this is a big family drama where all are behaving and acting like good actors…but she cant act and so she will not be a part of this drama in the name of Pooja. She says she wont come for Pooja and closes the door on Madhu. Madhu is sad.

Part 2
Madhu comes and joins everyone for Janmashtami Pooja, the panditji asks for Radha ji…Madhu replies that she will come to swing the cradle of Kanha at the end of the Pooja and Madhu will sit for the main pooja. Madhu sits for the Pooja and starts following the instructions of panditji. Dipali is perplexed at the behaviour of Madhu and RK…and she keeps looking for any evidence. A few of the police-men dressed in casuals enter RK Mansion and Bittuji takes them to RKs room. Dipali suspects that she has seen them somewhere. She tries to recall.

Part 3
Panditji asks everyone to get up as its the time to swing the cradle of Krishna. He asks Madhu if Radha ji would come. Madhu sighs. Panditji asks as to whom from the family will swing the cradle. Sikki asks Dipali to go ahead but she gives him a stern glare. Sikki shuts up. Madhu says that she will swing the cradle. The moment she takes the strings, Radhaji joins Madhu. She says that though Yashoda never gave birth to Krishna Ji, she is always considered as his mother. Same way, whatever may happen…a mother would never step back from her duties and responsibilities. Madhu smiles and both of them swing the cradle and complete the rituals. Dipali tries to remember the person and then finally re-calls that he is the same policeman who was handling RKs case.

Joshi is shocked to hear that Sultan is alive. RK says that Madhu tried to tell them the truth umpteen times, but no one believed her. And Sultan was always one step ahead of them, blackmailing Madhu to divorce him. He says that tomorrow he will be going to Madhus chawl for Dahi-Handi celebration, and he is very sure that Sultan will come there too. This time, Sultan will not go away. Dipali overhears the plan and is shocked.
Episode Ends.

RK says that he can forgive Sultan for all his deeds, but he can never forgive him for hurting Madhu and giving her pain. He says that he will make sure that Sultans life will be made hell and destroyed to an extent that before every birth of Sultan, he would be plunged in hell and his life will be set for destruction. He will be destroyed forever. No one can stop his destruction now. Madhu hugs RK and RK reciprocates back.
RK says that he can forgive Sultan for all his deeds, but he can never forgive him for hurting Madhu and giving her pain. He says that he will make sure that Sultans life will be made hell and destroyed to an extent that before every birth of Sultan, he would be plunged in hell and his life will be set for destruction. He will be destroyed forever. No one can stop his destruction now. Madhu hugs RK and RK reciprocates back.
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