Ashoka Samrat Episode 24 Update on Monday 8th October 2018 
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Scene 1
Helena says that i am going to be successful in my plan, Helena says that Ashok will not able to bear death news of his mother, he will not remain in control of Chanakya then i will tell Bindu that Chanakya is making plan to make Ashok new Samrat then Bindu will be heart broken and its easy to win over broken king, she smirks.
Ashok says to Siamak that you always help me, if you were not here then would have lost here, Siamak says we are friends so dont thank me, Siamak says i want to become great warrior, he ask Ashok that why did you volunteer in fight when you dont know anything about sword fighting, Ashok says that i want to put myself in every situation, Sushim says if you have guts then fight with me, Siamak says its not good to challenge others like this, this doesnt suite your personality that you you are challenging others to fight with you, why so much desperation, he says lets go AShok, we are getting late, Ashok glances at Sushim and leaves with Siamak.
Helena says that i am going to be successful in my plan, Helena says that Ashok will not able to bear death news of his mother, he will not remain in control of Chanakya then i will tell Bindu that Chanakya is making plan to make Ashok new Samrat then Bindu will be heart broken and its easy to win over broken king, she smirks.
Ashok says to Siamak that you always help me, if you were not here then would have lost here, Siamak says we are friends so dont thank me, Siamak says i want to become great warrior, he ask Ashok that why did you volunteer in fight when you dont know anything about sword fighting, Ashok says that i want to put myself in every situation, Sushim says if you have guts then fight with me, Siamak says its not good to challenge others like this, this doesnt suite your personality that you you are challenging others to fight with you, why so much desperation, he says lets go AShok, we are getting late, Ashok glances at Sushim and leaves with Siamak.
Scene 2
AShok is roaming in school, he comes in Mandir, he prays to lord, he folds his hands and says i dont know why things happen in life but i believe that whatever is happening with me is magical, i couldnt think that i will study here, i was given respect by Samrat, we dont have sight to see future, but its truth that wahtever happens happens for good, my life is good as i have my mother’s blessing, i wish i could meet my mother so i can tell her about my first day in school, i am sorry lord that i abuse your blessing but now i will follow you, i am not believing my fate, Chanakya comes there from behind, he listens of what Ashok is saying to lord. Ashok says that i have started feeling that Chanakya wants my good too, he did bad things to me but he fought for me too many a times, i feel like asking sorry to him but then he will feel that Samrat Vanraj bowed to him, i went against my mother to come here but give me strength to follow right path, i am doing all this to protect my mother, i want her to take rest and i work for her, i want her to never get bugged with me, he turns and sees Chanakya there, he greets him and ask when will Bindu and Dharma return from hunting? i am missing my mother, you know how much i love her, i just want to hug her once and tell her to not be angry with me, Chanakya puts hand on Ashoka’s head to bless him, he thinks that lord i dont have guts to tell a son that his mother is dead, i dont have guts to tell Ashok that i couldnt protect his mother, give me strength, Ashok jokes that why showering so much love on me? there must be some reason behind it, if you are planning to separate me from my mother again? Chanakya says your mother will never comeback, Ashok ask what? Chanakya says your mother died, Ashok is shocked and gets angry, Chanakya recalls how he promised Ashok that if he follows his rules then he will protect his mother, Ashok is in disbelieve and says why? why you are lying, Chanakya says that this truth, Ashok says no, you lied to me earlier too, i wont tolerate this now, i dont trust you, i used to respect you but now its lost, i dont know why you are doing this but you are not doing right, Chanakya says i know its difficult for you to believe it but this is true, AShok says no nothing can happen to her, my mother is alive, till i am alive nothing can happen to her, she is alive, he cries and leaves from there.
AShok is roaming in school, he comes in Mandir, he prays to lord, he folds his hands and says i dont know why things happen in life but i believe that whatever is happening with me is magical, i couldnt think that i will study here, i was given respect by Samrat, we dont have sight to see future, but its truth that wahtever happens happens for good, my life is good as i have my mother’s blessing, i wish i could meet my mother so i can tell her about my first day in school, i am sorry lord that i abuse your blessing but now i will follow you, i am not believing my fate, Chanakya comes there from behind, he listens of what Ashok is saying to lord. Ashok says that i have started feeling that Chanakya wants my good too, he did bad things to me but he fought for me too many a times, i feel like asking sorry to him but then he will feel that Samrat Vanraj bowed to him, i went against my mother to come here but give me strength to follow right path, i am doing all this to protect my mother, i want her to take rest and i work for her, i want her to never get bugged with me, he turns and sees Chanakya there, he greets him and ask when will Bindu and Dharma return from hunting? i am missing my mother, you know how much i love her, i just want to hug her once and tell her to not be angry with me, Chanakya puts hand on Ashoka’s head to bless him, he thinks that lord i dont have guts to tell a son that his mother is dead, i dont have guts to tell Ashok that i couldnt protect his mother, give me strength, Ashok jokes that why showering so much love on me? there must be some reason behind it, if you are planning to separate me from my mother again? Chanakya says your mother will never comeback, Ashok ask what? Chanakya says your mother died, Ashok is shocked and gets angry, Chanakya recalls how he promised Ashok that if he follows his rules then he will protect his mother, Ashok is in disbelieve and says why? why you are lying, Chanakya says that this truth, Ashok says no, you lied to me earlier too, i wont tolerate this now, i dont trust you, i used to respect you but now its lost, i dont know why you are doing this but you are not doing right, Chanakya says i know its difficult for you to believe it but this is true, AShok says no nothing can happen to her, my mother is alive, till i am alive nothing can happen to her, she is alive, he cries and leaves from there.
Scene 3
Justin and Helena are celebrating their victory, Justin says sorry to her that he misbehaved with her that day, she says trust me, till i dont make your future secure, i wont go from this world. soldier comes there, Helena gives him letter to send it to Ujjain’s king, she says we need their help to get throne.
Prime minister ask Dasies if they know about dharma’s son, they say no, he leaves, Ashok comes there and ask Dasies about Dharma, Dasi says she is dead, Ashok says nothing happened to her, she will return soon.
Ashok is finding Dharma in market, he recalls how Dharma said that her blessing will always remain with him, how she said that he will find her on peace path, how she said that to see him doing violence, its better to die, Ashok says nothing can happen to her. kid comes there and says to Ashok that Dharma is dead, i got to know about it, Ashok says no she is not dead, she helps people, she do welfare work so how can this happen with her, she went with Samrat, i will bring her back and will ask her to make laddos for you.
Justin and Helena are celebrating their victory, Justin says sorry to her that he misbehaved with her that day, she says trust me, till i dont make your future secure, i wont go from this world. soldier comes there, Helena gives him letter to send it to Ujjain’s king, she says we need their help to get throne.
Prime minister ask Dasies if they know about dharma’s son, they say no, he leaves, Ashok comes there and ask Dasies about Dharma, Dasi says she is dead, Ashok says nothing happened to her, she will return soon.
Ashok is finding Dharma in market, he recalls how Dharma said that her blessing will always remain with him, how she said that he will find her on peace path, how she said that to see him doing violence, its better to die, Ashok says nothing can happen to her. kid comes there and says to Ashok that Dharma is dead, i got to know about it, Ashok says no she is not dead, she helps people, she do welfare work so how can this happen with her, she went with Samrat, i will bring her back and will ask her to make laddos for you.
Scene 4
Chanakya says to this soldiers that Ashok will try to leave Patliputra but we have to stop him at any cost, keep an eye on him, Radhagupt comes to Chanakya and tells him that we are not finding anything about Nirjara, Chanakya says i want to know about her, do anything but find her, only Nirjara can tell about this incident, if it was planned or unfortunate incident, i took AShok and Dharma’s responsibility so if Ashok questions me then i should have answer about it, find Nirjara at any cost.
Ashok is going somewhere sitting in cart, he recalls how Dharma praised him infront of Bindu, how she used to pamper him, how she smiled at him last time, he ask cart driver to move fast, he thinks that i will find my mother at any cost, he finds a lady in veil going from there, jumps off from cart and hugs her saying i knew Maa you are alive, he looks at her face and is stunned.
Chanakya says to this soldiers that Ashok will try to leave Patliputra but we have to stop him at any cost, keep an eye on him, Radhagupt comes to Chanakya and tells him that we are not finding anything about Nirjara, Chanakya says i want to know about her, do anything but find her, only Nirjara can tell about this incident, if it was planned or unfortunate incident, i took AShok and Dharma’s responsibility so if Ashok questions me then i should have answer about it, find Nirjara at any cost.
Ashok is going somewhere sitting in cart, he recalls how Dharma praised him infront of Bindu, how she used to pamper him, how she smiled at him last time, he ask cart driver to move fast, he thinks that i will find my mother at any cost, he finds a lady in veil going from there, jumps off from cart and hugs her saying i knew Maa you are alive, he looks at her face and is stunned.
PRECAP- Helena says to Justin that when Bindu will get to know that it was Chanakya who asked Ashok and Dharma to hide their identity, to hide that they are mother and son, he will get angry on Chanakya. Bindu says to prime minister that why did AShok and Subhadrangi(dharma) hide from me that they are mother-son, why did they deceive me? Prime minster says Chanakya brought them here so does he knew about their relation from before? Bindu orders to call Chanakya in court. otherside Radhagupt says to Chanakya that what will we do now, what will you tell to Bindu, Chanakya is tensed.
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