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Saturday, September 29, 2018

Who Killed Libia Episode 58 Update on Saturday 29th September 2018

Who Killed Libia Episode 58 Update on Saturday 29th September 2018 Image may contain: 3 people, people standing and wedding


Father Teddy consoles Sofia telling her to calm down because her mother is full of pride and ego but Sofia tells Father that she is to be blamed for everything and Father tells him not to say that because he is very much aware that all the pain and suffering she is going through is by someone’s doing if not he wouldn’t have approved the union between she and John in the first place and John heatedly makes Father to understand that he isn’t going to tolerate such treatment from that woman again when it comes to Sofia and his unborn baby because they have had enough already. Father Teddy then calms him down and promises to go and talk to Gabriela and he hopes she understands him when he goes.

Hortensia goes to see a school’s principal that she wants to enroll Pablo in their school but she has no birth certificate or any document that relates to the boy because he lost all his family members and due to that the three brothers have taken it upon themselves to cater for him and the principal tells Hortensia that it’s against the law for someone to take full custody of a child who isn’t theirs without the approval of the authorities, therefore he is going to make a report on the issue so that Pablo will be taken away from them immediately.

John informs his brothers that he mentioned something concerning the oath they took on Libia’s grave to Sofia when he experienced that high fever the other time and so Sofia has started asking him so many questions as to why he wants to revenge and due to that, he now wants to explain the whole truth to her even if it may result to their separation and the same applies to them with Sarah and Jemima.

Father Teddy goes to see Gabriela to talk to her but she refuses to listen to him and instructs him to get out of her house and never come back because all he did was to pollute the minds of her children and Father advices her to be careful with that kind of arrogance in her and be sober but she ignores his words and angrily throws him out. As Father makes his way out, he meets up with Fernando and he tries to make fun of him and Father says to him that he is in no position to do that to him because he is not better than him. Fernando then asks Father that apart from him raping Sofia, what else has he heard about him that is making him say so and Father makes him to understand that very soon he will realize it himself because someone made mention of him before passing out and Fernando starts to look nervous and Father Teddy exists.

Fernando walks to Gabriela to tell her that Father Teddy is trying to prove that he is the one who raped her daughter Sofia so that he can use that stands to create a divorce between him and Sofia and Gabriela says to him that it’s so awful for Father to do such a thing so she quickly writes a letter to the Bishop stating that Father Teddy wants to destroy her daughter’s marriage with false reasons and aside that he wants to destroy her as well and so she wish he could be transferred elsewhere so that her family can be saved from his hands and the church as a whole.

Eladio and Rigo rushes to inform John and his brothers that they heard it was Armando who paid those women to stone Sofia the other day and John gets amazed and asks what they are talking about because he wasn’t aware of it and Sofia decides to explain things to him and he gets so furious but Franco calms him down and also makes him aware that it was that same Armando who sent some guys to beat him up the other time but he refused to tell him due to his temper and John really gets heated up.

Ofelia congratulates Rosa for a wonderful performance and asks her how far things are going on between her and Bobby and Rosa tells Ofelia that she has already made it known to him that she only have eyes for Franco but Ofelia advices her to think over it again because she might fall for this Bobby guy and he can make her more happier than Franco.

John and his brothers make their way to see Armando in the bar and beats him brutally.
Gabriela goes to call her daughters to try their wedding gowns on and Sarah asks their mother if she is so serious in marrying them off, and she replies that she wasn’t joking at all when she informed them that they are getting married in just a week time. Jemima then tells her mother to send Fernando out of the house since Sofia is no longer staying with them but Gabriela clearly states that there is no way he will send Fernando out of the hacienda for any reason.

Armando and his guards go to the brothers’ premises and points a gun at John and Sofia begins to plead with him not to shoot and surprisingly, Fernando shows up and pulls away Armando’s weapon and questions him as to why he wants to hurt them.
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