Kumkum Bhagya Episode 1111 Update on Sunday 30th September 2018 
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The Episode starts with Client telling that they will get crores if they do the contract and if they break the contract, then the penalty will be 200 crores. He asks them to think as they are having arranged marriage. Purab says what? Client says it is your duty for your fans and says your album will be a big blast and asks them to keep aside their ego and says you will get crores of rs and a great fan following. King says he will think about it. Client asks Abhi? Abhi gets a call and leaves in a hurry without telling anything. He comes to Sunny’s school. Teacher tells that Principal is very upset with Sunny and asks him to meet her. King calls Pragya and tells that he told client that he will think about the album. Pragya says it is good. King says I said that I will think about it. Pragya says I
am happy that you are ready to think. She gets another call and he tells her that he will be late. Abhi meets Principal.
Principal says everyone praise you and I am your fan. Abhi asks her to tell why she called her. Principal says you are good, but whatever happened today was unacceptable. Abhi asks what did Sunny do? Principal tells that he has torn someone’s book. Abhi says it is not good. Principal says he is lying also. Abhi asks Sunny not to lie. Sunny says everyone will call me liar now. Abhi says you don’t know what they will do. He tells Principal that he asked Sunny to do this. Principal says oh my god and says is this right and acceptable in school. Abhi says girl is troubling Sunny and that’s why he don’t want to come. He says that girl is a trouble etc. Principal calls Kiara. Kiara comes there. Abhi says what a pleasant surprise, and calls her angry bird. She asks are you Sunny’s chucks.
Principal says everyone praise you and I am your fan. Abhi asks her to tell why she called her. Principal says you are good, but whatever happened today was unacceptable. Abhi asks what did Sunny do? Principal tells that he has torn someone’s book. Abhi says it is not good. Principal says he is lying also. Abhi asks Sunny not to lie. Sunny says everyone will call me liar now. Abhi says you don’t know what they will do. He tells Principal that he asked Sunny to do this. Principal says oh my god and says is this right and acceptable in school. Abhi says girl is troubling Sunny and that’s why he don’t want to come. He says that girl is a trouble etc. Principal calls Kiara. Kiara comes there. Abhi says what a pleasant surprise, and calls her angry bird. She asks are you Sunny’s chucks.
Terrorist decide to hide in Sunny and Kiara’s school till they get their helicopter. They come inside the school. Watchman asks who are you? Man says we are terrorists. They attack him and lock him near there. Pragya senses something wrong is going to happen and thinks don’t know why she is feeling strange. Kiara’s photo frame falls down. Pragya thinks to call Principal and call kiara home, but Principal doesn’t pick her call which makes her more tensed. She calls Tarun.
Principal asks Kiara to say if she teased him. Kiara acts innocent and says he is a rockstar’s nephew and has torn my book. She tells that Abhi has slapped her on Sunny’s insistence. Abhi says I didn’t slap anyone. Kiara says I believe on God and that’s why forgive them. Abhi says I didn’t slap her and says sorry. Kiara says I have forgiven you halfly. She says I will forgive you half tomorrow. She asks Principal if she can go. Principal asks her to go and warns Sunny not to do this mistake again.
Kiara is waiting outside. Abhi says what a drama and calls her Ms. Lawyer and says you shall become a lawyer. Kiara says advice is not bad. Sunny asks did you know her? Abhi says I am her Papa. Sunny says what? Kiara says you are like British and says you had become my 50 percent friend, but now we are not friends and asks him not to call her. Abhi says I don’t have your number. Kiara says it is easy to get number and says you have hurt me. Abhi says I didn’t mean to hurt you. Kiara says then also you hurt me. Abhi holds his ears and gets sad. Pragya tells Tarun that they shall go to Kiara’s school. They sit in car. Chachi talks about King and asks Pragya why is she tensed? Pragya says she is worried about Kiara. Abhi thinks angry bird got angry with me and says I didn’t know that she is the same girl and thinks why am I getting affected and worries if she will talk to him.
Terrorists collide with Abhi and revolver fall down. Abhi says sorry. He doesn’t see it. He asks who are they? They make an excuse that they are workers. He gets Aaliya’s call and gets angry on her. Terrorists go inside. Aaliya asks Abhi to give her last chance and ends the call. Abhi looks for the terrorists.
Terrorist aims gun at Principal. Abhi asks Policeman to let him go inside, but he refuses. Abhi asks him to take out his nephew out.
Terrorist aims gun at Principal. Abhi asks Policeman to let him go inside, but he refuses. Abhi asks him to take out his nephew out.
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