Ashoka Samrat Episode 62--63 Update on Tuesday 13th November 2018 
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Scene 1
Nicator comes in Magdh’s palace, he enters court, Bindu and all smile seeing him, flower petals are sprinkled on him, Bindu says welcome, Nicator says i am thankful that you invited me to attend my grandson’s marriage, ages passed and i didnt see my grandson or daughter, Bindu says i understand thats why i called you, Nicator gifts him wine and dry fruits as gift, bindu says you still remember that i like dry fruits, Nicator says its my duty to remember your likes, Nicator says my daughter, Helena comes and hugs him, she says i was waiting for this moment for years, Nicator says i was happy listening about Justin’s marriage, he gives gift to Agni and Justin and says i pray that you both remain happy in life, Raj says welcome Nicator, we are from girl’s side so we should gift you, Nicator says dont take me as guest, Justin says to Nicator that we are making a new palace for me and Agni, if you inaugurate it then we will take it as blessing, if Bindu ash no problem, Bindu says i have no problem, Prime minister says this day will be written in history, Chanakya says it will be seen what future changes are made because of this day, Nicator says to Chankya says i still remember everything, Chanakya says its good, you should not forger you mistakes, Nicator says dont woryr, i have not come to repeat my mistakes, Bindu says lets go for lunch.
Nicator is doing poojae for inauguration of palace making. Ahenkara says to Sushim that this palace will be great one, Ujjain people make good buildings, Sushim says Ujjain people are beautiful too (pointing Ahekara), she shyly smiles.
Dharma thinks i have to inform Chanakya that Ashok got to know that i am alive, she finds Radhagupt standing in Pooja and thinks to talk to him. After Pooja, Nicator says to Justin this palace will bring blessing in your life, Prime minister says to Chanakya that now all enemies of Magdh have become friends without blood shed then why you are tensed? Chanakya looks on, Justin loses balance and is about to fall, his head get hit with rock, blood comes out and falls on rocks from which palace will be made, Noor couldnt control and runs to check him as he ot injured, all are shocked to see her reaction, she changes her tone and ask are you find prince Justin? Helena says shedding blood is good sign, Justin does Pooja.
Nicator comes in Magdh’s palace, he enters court, Bindu and all smile seeing him, flower petals are sprinkled on him, Bindu says welcome, Nicator says i am thankful that you invited me to attend my grandson’s marriage, ages passed and i didnt see my grandson or daughter, Bindu says i understand thats why i called you, Nicator gifts him wine and dry fruits as gift, bindu says you still remember that i like dry fruits, Nicator says its my duty to remember your likes, Nicator says my daughter, Helena comes and hugs him, she says i was waiting for this moment for years, Nicator says i was happy listening about Justin’s marriage, he gives gift to Agni and Justin and says i pray that you both remain happy in life, Raj says welcome Nicator, we are from girl’s side so we should gift you, Nicator says dont take me as guest, Justin says to Nicator that we are making a new palace for me and Agni, if you inaugurate it then we will take it as blessing, if Bindu ash no problem, Bindu says i have no problem, Prime minister says this day will be written in history, Chanakya says it will be seen what future changes are made because of this day, Nicator says to Chankya says i still remember everything, Chanakya says its good, you should not forger you mistakes, Nicator says dont woryr, i have not come to repeat my mistakes, Bindu says lets go for lunch.
Nicator is doing poojae for inauguration of palace making. Ahenkara says to Sushim that this palace will be great one, Ujjain people make good buildings, Sushim says Ujjain people are beautiful too (pointing Ahekara), she shyly smiles.
Dharma thinks i have to inform Chanakya that Ashok got to know that i am alive, she finds Radhagupt standing in Pooja and thinks to talk to him. After Pooja, Nicator says to Justin this palace will bring blessing in your life, Prime minister says to Chanakya that now all enemies of Magdh have become friends without blood shed then why you are tensed? Chanakya looks on, Justin loses balance and is about to fall, his head get hit with rock, blood comes out and falls on rocks from which palace will be made, Noor couldnt control and runs to check him as he ot injured, all are shocked to see her reaction, she changes her tone and ask are you find prince Justin? Helena says shedding blood is good sign, Justin does Pooja.
Scene 2
Dharma says to Chanakya that Ashok got to know i am alive, i have taken promise from him to not tell this truth to anyone but i am afraid if he tell this to Samrat Bindu, Chanakya says i will make Ashok understand, he thinks its important to calm Ashok.
Ashok is in Mandir, Chanakya comes there, Ashok greets him and says i was coming to meet you, Chanakya says i got to know everything from your mother, Ashok says i ave one problem, will you help me to solve it? chanakya nods, Ashok says because of you i got separated with my mother, i promised infront of you that i will always fulfill her promises but today she took promise from me that i cant fulfill it, she wants me to assume that she is dead even when i know that she is alive, he says i will forgive you for your mistakes, for bringing me here, i will be your servant whole life just make my mother understand that i cant fulfill her this promise, pacify her to make me live with her, please help me, he folds his hands, Chanakya says i cant help you, Ashok says if most powerful man cant help me then i take promise that i will become so powerful that people will not need your help, i will become so great that you will not be needed for me, no person will have to suffer, no son will have to assume his mother dead and all will get justice, i will become powerful, h leaves, Radha says to Chanakya this way Ashok will hate you more, Chanakya says if by hating me, he can achieve what he deserve then let it be, i want him to follow his fate and i can sacrifice anything for that, his fate is important for India, chanakya coughs.
Dharma says to Chanakya that Ashok got to know i am alive, i have taken promise from him to not tell this truth to anyone but i am afraid if he tell this to Samrat Bindu, Chanakya says i will make Ashok understand, he thinks its important to calm Ashok.
Ashok is in Mandir, Chanakya comes there, Ashok greets him and says i was coming to meet you, Chanakya says i got to know everything from your mother, Ashok says i ave one problem, will you help me to solve it? chanakya nods, Ashok says because of you i got separated with my mother, i promised infront of you that i will always fulfill her promises but today she took promise from me that i cant fulfill it, she wants me to assume that she is dead even when i know that she is alive, he says i will forgive you for your mistakes, for bringing me here, i will be your servant whole life just make my mother understand that i cant fulfill her this promise, pacify her to make me live with her, please help me, he folds his hands, Chanakya says i cant help you, Ashok says if most powerful man cant help me then i take promise that i will become so powerful that people will not need your help, i will become so great that you will not be needed for me, no person will have to suffer, no son will have to assume his mother dead and all will get justice, i will become powerful, h leaves, Radha says to Chanakya this way Ashok will hate you more, Chanakya says if by hating me, he can achieve what he deserve then let it be, i want him to follow his fate and i can sacrifice anything for that, his fate is important for India, chanakya coughs.
Scene 2
Ashok comes to isolated place and recalls how Dharma took promise from him that nobody should know she is alive, Ashok says why mother why? Bindu whose caravan is passing by there stops seeing Ashok, Bindu comes to Ashok and says you here? are you fine, Ashok says yes, Bindu says as friend i can sense you are tensed, Ashok says there is no solution for problem, Bindu says tell me, Ashok says if i tell you my problem then i will expect solution from you and if you are not able to give solution then i will become sad, Bindu says if i am no able to find solution then i will make you see problem from otherside, tell me, Ashok ask Samrat Bindu that if someone who is most close to your heart ask to do something which is difficult for you then what will you do? Bindu says if you trust that person then you should not think and just do what he wants you to do, do you trust that person? Ashok recalls his moments with Dharma, how she asked him assume her dead, Ashok says no i dont trust her but i.. he stops, Bindu says i was confused once like you too when i was of your age, my father Chandragupt Maurya took me on cliff, flashback shows some soldier asking sorry to Chandragupt but Chandra gives arrow to Bindu and ask him to kill him, Bindu ask why, Chandra says dont ask reason, Bindu says i didnt know what was his sin but i trusted Chandra and killed first person in my life, Ashok says what was his sin? bindu says that soldier killed his parents, Ashok says then why Chandra didnt tell you about it? Bindu says because he wanted to test my trust on him and i passed, Ashok recalls how Dharma asked Ashok to not question and just dont tell anyone about me being alive, AShok says i lost trust on her for a second but now that trust is back, Bindu smiles and says then lets for go for lunch, Ashok thinks if i go with Bindu then i wont be able to meet Dharma before last competition.
Ashok comes to isolated place and recalls how Dharma took promise from him that nobody should know she is alive, Ashok says why mother why? Bindu whose caravan is passing by there stops seeing Ashok, Bindu comes to Ashok and says you here? are you fine, Ashok says yes, Bindu says as friend i can sense you are tensed, Ashok says there is no solution for problem, Bindu says tell me, Ashok says if i tell you my problem then i will expect solution from you and if you are not able to give solution then i will become sad, Bindu says if i am no able to find solution then i will make you see problem from otherside, tell me, Ashok ask Samrat Bindu that if someone who is most close to your heart ask to do something which is difficult for you then what will you do? Bindu says if you trust that person then you should not think and just do what he wants you to do, do you trust that person? Ashok recalls his moments with Dharma, how she asked him assume her dead, Ashok says no i dont trust her but i.. he stops, Bindu says i was confused once like you too when i was of your age, my father Chandragupt Maurya took me on cliff, flashback shows some soldier asking sorry to Chandragupt but Chandra gives arrow to Bindu and ask him to kill him, Bindu ask why, Chandra says dont ask reason, Bindu says i didnt know what was his sin but i trusted Chandra and killed first person in my life, Ashok says what was his sin? bindu says that soldier killed his parents, Ashok says then why Chandra didnt tell you about it? Bindu says because he wanted to test my trust on him and i passed, Ashok recalls how Dharma asked Ashok to not question and just dont tell anyone about me being alive, AShok says i lost trust on her for a second but now that trust is back, Bindu smiles and says then lets for go for lunch, Ashok thinks if i go with Bindu then i wont be able to meet Dharma before last competition.
PRECAP- Bindu says to Drupat that the one who is great warrior, great person and do justice should become king. Charu says to Sushim that you have to win this competition at any cost, Noor says to Siamak that this time you have to win and make me happy. Ashok says to Dharma that tomorrow i will take part in last competition, bless me that i win it and get Chandragupt’s sword so my self- respect and confidence is regained, Dharma smiles.
PRECAP- Bindu says to Drupat that the one who is great warrior, great person and do justice should become king. Charu says to Sushim that you have to win this competition at any cost, Noor says to Siamak that this time you have to win and make me happy. Ashok says to Dharma that tomorrow i will take part in last competition, bless me that i win it and get Chandragupt’s sword so my self- respect and confidence is regained, Dharma smiles.
Scene 1
all royal people are having food in palace. Charu ask Sushim to eat, he says i am not in mood, Charu says you should be strong to win competition so eat this healthy food, Noor is making Siamak and says alongwith food, one should have mental strength too, Charu taunts thats why Siamak never won, Drupat and Subrasi comes and wishes them luck for competition, Sushim ask Drupat whom he want to see as winner? Sushim or Siamak? he says you both are deserving so i want you both to win, soldier informs that Bindu is coming so Dharma hides. Bindu comes there with Ashok, all are angry, Bindu says i invited Ashok to have food with me, whats problem, Siamak ask Ashok to sit with him and have food, AShok sit beside him, sushim angrily leaves. Charu gos behind him and says this is not good to leave food infront of Bindu like this, Sushim says make your husband understand too, now he will eat with us too? day by day my father’s love for him is increasing, maybe one day he will give his throne to Ashok too, he leaves.
Ashok says to Bindu that i dont like to eat food sitting on couch, allow me to sit on floor and eat, Bindu allows, Ashok sit on floor, Dasies bring food for him. Drupat ask Bindu who will win competition tomorrow, Siamak or Sushim? Bindu says that is difficult to answer but the one who is great warrior, who can do justice, who is intelligent will win, Drupat says so he will be next samrat? Bindu says becoming Samrat doesnt depent on one competition only, to be Samrat one has to prove himself right in everything, but yes the winner will be contender for becoming Samrat, Bindu ask Drupat how is learning going on? Drupat says should i show you my sword fighting skills? bindu nods, Drupat brings his short sword and moves in air and starts practicing with Bindu, they have father son time, Siamak says you are fighting great Drupat, Ashok misses Dharma and recalls how she used to pamper him, Dharma who is watching all this from behind pillar thinks wish i was with Ashok at this time.
all royal people are having food in palace. Charu ask Sushim to eat, he says i am not in mood, Charu says you should be strong to win competition so eat this healthy food, Noor is making Siamak and says alongwith food, one should have mental strength too, Charu taunts thats why Siamak never won, Drupat and Subrasi comes and wishes them luck for competition, Sushim ask Drupat whom he want to see as winner? Sushim or Siamak? he says you both are deserving so i want you both to win, soldier informs that Bindu is coming so Dharma hides. Bindu comes there with Ashok, all are angry, Bindu says i invited Ashok to have food with me, whats problem, Siamak ask Ashok to sit with him and have food, AShok sit beside him, sushim angrily leaves. Charu gos behind him and says this is not good to leave food infront of Bindu like this, Sushim says make your husband understand too, now he will eat with us too? day by day my father’s love for him is increasing, maybe one day he will give his throne to Ashok too, he leaves.
Ashok says to Bindu that i dont like to eat food sitting on couch, allow me to sit on floor and eat, Bindu allows, Ashok sit on floor, Dasies bring food for him. Drupat ask Bindu who will win competition tomorrow, Siamak or Sushim? Bindu says that is difficult to answer but the one who is great warrior, who can do justice, who is intelligent will win, Drupat says so he will be next samrat? Bindu says becoming Samrat doesnt depent on one competition only, to be Samrat one has to prove himself right in everything, but yes the winner will be contender for becoming Samrat, Bindu ask Drupat how is learning going on? Drupat says should i show you my sword fighting skills? bindu nods, Drupat brings his short sword and moves in air and starts practicing with Bindu, they have father son time, Siamak says you are fighting great Drupat, Ashok misses Dharma and recalls how she used to pamper him, Dharma who is watching all this from behind pillar thinks wish i was with Ashok at this time.
Scene 2
Sushim is practicing arrow hitting, he is hitting one soldier with his arrows, Ahenkara comes and says great work, he ask you wanna practice too? she says why not, he makes her hold archery kit rightly, they both are lost in each other, both share eyelock, she hits soldier with arrow, Sushim says i will spend my whole day with you after competition, she says it will be great, we will celebrate your victory.
Charu says to Prime minister that Sushim have to win thsi competition at any cost, this is decisive year for Sushim to become Samrat, you have to help me, he says how can i help ypu? she says i dont know if you have soft corner for Chanakya, when you will understand that if you not start taking your decisions then Chanakya will take your place and you will be puppet only, dont you want people to remember you in future, Prime minister says i have limits and i cant go beyond that, Chanakya is respectable for me, all know that Chanakya influences decisions of Bindu, and Samrat will be announc3ed by Bindu, how i can i help you, Charu says you have to influence him, you have to force him to announce Sushim as next Samrat after his winning, dont you wanna secure your future in Magdh? you have to force Bindu, minister says what if Siamak wins whit time? Charu says that will nto happen as Sushim doesnt know how to lose, he will win only, you dont think about wining or losing, just put this thing in Bindu’s ears that he should make the winner of competition the next Samrat.
Noor says to Siamak that i dont want you to become Ashok’s friend, Siamak says when Bindu also likes him then whats problem? Noor says you are not grown up, your heart is innocent, i dont want you to break your heart as it hurts, Justin comes and says warriors doesn feel hurt, Siamak hugs him, Justin says you did great in competition, fight with valor and you will win the compeition, Siamak leaves, Justin tries to come closer to Noor, she says i am smelling that Agni from you, he ask what happened? she says i see Agni in you, he ask what i did? she says arent you ashamed to ask me this, Justin says when there is love and trust then whats shame, Noor says i know everything, you destroyed our love and trust in arms of that agni, i saw you close to that Agni, Justin says yes that is true but there is ine more truth, i couldnt go close to her because my heart and mind is controlled by you and it is our love, i have to act as loving Agni because of my mother, i thought you will be my side in this problem but now listening you i believe that i am alone, when you dont trust my love then there is no future of our love, he leaves, Noor says by saying all this you proved that you dont love her but till when you will be saved from her attraction.
Sushim is practicing arrow hitting, he is hitting one soldier with his arrows, Ahenkara comes and says great work, he ask you wanna practice too? she says why not, he makes her hold archery kit rightly, they both are lost in each other, both share eyelock, she hits soldier with arrow, Sushim says i will spend my whole day with you after competition, she says it will be great, we will celebrate your victory.
Charu says to Prime minister that Sushim have to win thsi competition at any cost, this is decisive year for Sushim to become Samrat, you have to help me, he says how can i help ypu? she says i dont know if you have soft corner for Chanakya, when you will understand that if you not start taking your decisions then Chanakya will take your place and you will be puppet only, dont you want people to remember you in future, Prime minister says i have limits and i cant go beyond that, Chanakya is respectable for me, all know that Chanakya influences decisions of Bindu, and Samrat will be announc3ed by Bindu, how i can i help you, Charu says you have to influence him, you have to force him to announce Sushim as next Samrat after his winning, dont you wanna secure your future in Magdh? you have to force Bindu, minister says what if Siamak wins whit time? Charu says that will nto happen as Sushim doesnt know how to lose, he will win only, you dont think about wining or losing, just put this thing in Bindu’s ears that he should make the winner of competition the next Samrat.
Noor says to Siamak that i dont want you to become Ashok’s friend, Siamak says when Bindu also likes him then whats problem? Noor says you are not grown up, your heart is innocent, i dont want you to break your heart as it hurts, Justin comes and says warriors doesn feel hurt, Siamak hugs him, Justin says you did great in competition, fight with valor and you will win the compeition, Siamak leaves, Justin tries to come closer to Noor, she says i am smelling that Agni from you, he ask what happened? she says i see Agni in you, he ask what i did? she says arent you ashamed to ask me this, Justin says when there is love and trust then whats shame, Noor says i know everything, you destroyed our love and trust in arms of that agni, i saw you close to that Agni, Justin says yes that is true but there is ine more truth, i couldnt go close to her because my heart and mind is controlled by you and it is our love, i have to act as loving Agni because of my mother, i thought you will be my side in this problem but now listening you i believe that i am alone, when you dont trust my love then there is no future of our love, he leaves, Noor says by saying all this you proved that you dont love her but till when you will be saved from her attraction.
Scene 3
Nicator sys to Helena that control Justin, he is going mad behind Noor, i dont want to lose again, after losing Chandragupt, Chanakya asked to make you marry with Chandragupt then he will forgive me, i was helpless as father, i sacrificed you to save myself, i can never forget that day, Helana says i had to leave my country, my language, Unanis start hatng us and here i was not given respect same as other queens, people here thought that i am an outsider and never respected me, because to that Chanakya i had to announce that Bindu the samrat, i can never forget that day, now its time to revenge, now Magdh have to bear consequences.
Justin is leaving from Noor’s room, he strikes with Agni, she ask you in Noor’s room? he says i came to wish luck to Siamak, he acts and says i am waiting for our marriage, time is passing slowly, she says so we should make most of our time, can you take me to boat ride? Justin reluctantly agrees, they leaves, Khurasan comes from behind and says if Justin and Noor keep meeting like this then Agni will get to know about it and i cant bear this.
Nicator sys to Helena that control Justin, he is going mad behind Noor, i dont want to lose again, after losing Chandragupt, Chanakya asked to make you marry with Chandragupt then he will forgive me, i was helpless as father, i sacrificed you to save myself, i can never forget that day, Helana says i had to leave my country, my language, Unanis start hatng us and here i was not given respect same as other queens, people here thought that i am an outsider and never respected me, because to that Chanakya i had to announce that Bindu the samrat, i can never forget that day, now its time to revenge, now Magdh have to bear consequences.
Justin is leaving from Noor’s room, he strikes with Agni, she ask you in Noor’s room? he says i came to wish luck to Siamak, he acts and says i am waiting for our marriage, time is passing slowly, she says so we should make most of our time, can you take me to boat ride? Justin reluctantly agrees, they leaves, Khurasan comes from behind and says if Justin and Noor keep meeting like this then Agni will get to know about it and i cant bear this.
PRECAP- Ashok says to Dharma that i dont know what i was thinking, Ashok says to Dharma i am sorry to hurt you, i went to Chanakya and asked his help but he denied so i took promise that i will become so strong that no mother on this land will be forced to be away from her son, i have to become warrior, powerful now.
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